LOL!! Wasblind you are right! I was Not born in Kenya! LOL!!
Captain Kirk,
Let me just say that I love your cover of L.S w/ Diamonds. Pure Genuis. I work for some rich guys, and guess what? I am glad their families worked the A's off. If they didn't then I would not have a job right now. A richer class must exist to pay the rest of us. Are there problems? Yes.
There are also many,many people with entitlement issues. They like to gripe about what they deserve, but they don't have the personal fortitude to work for it. Those people are the issue. The dead beats that we all pay for.. If they want to be rich, then they better get to work. On the off chance that they do get rich without working ( via the lottery or inheritance) they will most likely blow it. I doubt anyone who won't work for themselves will ever make much of a difference in society.
I don't understand what motivates all the politicians. Money and power I guess? A lot of things are in shambles. If the current world structure collapses then it will be the workers, not the lazy, that fix it.