wow that just hit me like a ton of bricks

by cptkirk 60 Replies latest watchtower bible


    LOL!! Wasblind you are right! I was Not born in Kenya! LOL!!

    Captain Kirk,

    Let me just say that I love your cover of L.S w/ Diamonds. Pure Genuis. I work for some rich guys, and guess what? I am glad their families worked the A's off. If they didn't then I would not have a job right now. A richer class must exist to pay the rest of us. Are there problems? Yes.

    There are also many,many people with entitlement issues. They like to gripe about what they deserve, but they don't have the personal fortitude to work for it. Those people are the issue. The dead beats that we all pay for.. If they want to be rich, then they better get to work. On the off chance that they do get rich without working ( via the lottery or inheritance) they will most likely blow it. I doubt anyone who won't work for themselves will ever make much of a difference in society.

    I don't understand what motivates all the politicians. Money and power I guess? A lot of things are in shambles. If the current world structure collapses then it will be the workers, not the lazy, that fix it.



  • cptkirk

    west coast is in deep shit, deep shit. you think i'm exaggerating, watch this:

  • problemaddict

    Hey Kirk,

    It appars you and I are about the same age. Nirvanas Nevermind came out when I was in high school. I was rolling with Snoop and Dre until i discovered the wonders of A Tribe Called Quest and the Roots. I saw Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang in concert.

    Anyways, your characterization of all things west coast is falacious. You don't understand the West coast any more than you claim nobody understand the east coast. I worl with people on the Philly border for my job. We get along just fine. NY, NY is the center of commerce for a large part of the world. This does not mean the entire East Coast runs the US. Not by a long shot. In fact, despite NY having their distinction, CA still has a larger economy than New York as a whole, and any other state of course. 1/8 of the populaton of the country lives out here. Alot of challenges.

    So I would brush off the west coast of the country and its influence not even just here but in the world, so easily.

    Yes you are right our age group is currently in the minority here, but that seems to be changing as more and more that hit 30 "wake up".


    As it happens I went back to spend a week in New York a few years ago. Against advice, me and the wife caught the subway to Harlem . The black people on the train made a great fuss of us and had lots of questions. The huge guard sat and talked to us too.

    In Harlem we were treated very well. Went round the museum of black people history. Interesting but understandably rather anti-white. New York was great but not the place I would want to live. Carmel along from San Francisco was great. Clint Eastwood lives there, but then he can afford to.

  • mrsjones5

    Really? Maybe you mean LA is in deep shit or the big cities of California is in deep shit. California isn't one big city and Kat Williams doesn't represent all of California. Califirnia is way bigger than that. It has the 8th largest economy in the world.

  • cptkirk

    doesn't surprise me that the blacks were cool with you, i didn't have the blacks in mind. i had the italians and irish in mind.

    i'm sorry man but the west coast is....bad. the economy is bigger? the economy is unsustainable on the west coast the way it exists now. you saw wu tang in concert? that is pretty crazy. i saw staten island got hit hard by that storm, i guess they were bummed about that.

    what do you think about tool learn to swim? why do you think they have so much anger about the west? you won't find any hardcore groups saying shit like that about the east, why do you think that is.

  • cptkirk

    those sentiments expressed are very representative. ie. mexicans saying the entire west is theirs and they want to take it back. and then someone like katt picking up on this, he practically started a riot right there. i know cali is huge, but we focus on the big cities.

  • Chaserious

    the hardcore people from philly new york boston virgina/dc run the world.

    I have lived my entire life on the east coast and lived, worked or gone to college in all of these cities except for Boston and I don't agree with this or get this thread in general either, so I don't think it's all geographical.

  • cptkirk

    washington dc is the capital of the world, don't know what more you want


    I don't understand why you are getting all this deep shit on west coast.

    Perhaps they aren't treating the sewage properly?

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