So lets recap what was left for Jesus Christ to investigate and make a Judgement on.
1) Two failed end time prediction (these were God's words By The Way). Jesus thought that it was acceptable for them to have thought that the worlld would end in two seperate occasions.
2) One expected end time predictionthe Bible students at hat time moved the daate for the end of the world to 1918. Again this was Gods unquestionable date so you should have faith in it.
3) The Finished Mystery. This was the book that contained the maajor doctrines of the Biblestudents at the time jesus supposedly judged them. If every JW were to read this book what would be the consequences.. So Christ Jesus as a Judge was supposedly to find this set of rules and teachings more acceptable than any other Church and appoint them as his sole channel of communication.
4) They still practised Pyramidology. Pyramidology is a pagan practise.
5) Freedom to associate with those who left the religion. Now that is a disfelloshipping offense. By The Way disfelloshipping wasnt invented yet.
6) Russel was the Faithfulll and Discrete Slave.
7) The FDS (Russel) was accused of sexual misconduct, was divorced because of his aggorance, had no theological background, suffered from a miracle wheat scaandal and lost every single court case in which he tried to defend his good name. Jesus found his activities more acceptable than any other minister.
8) Organised religion was evil. Everyone was going to heaven not only the 144000, By The Way they were going to be reptured.
9) Jesus' presence began in 1874. Previously it was said that his presence began in 1799. Jesus found this perfectly ok.
10) Black men still bore the mark of Cain. Oh and dont forget when the New World Order came about everyone saved was going to revert to their own orignal colour WHITE.
11) Holidays still celebrated, especially Christmas. Jesus accepted the celebration ofthese pagan evnts.
12) Not only was the cross used but THE CROWN AND CROSS was used. The crown and crossis a symbol used by the freemasons.
13) Michael and his Arch angles were the Pope and his Bishops.
14) A mans desire to serve God was determined by the shape of his head.
15) Dont forget to soak up all of those Benifictial ultraviolet rays.
16) Very importantly New light "Cannot contradict existing light." Compare this to the present definition of new light.
Jehovahs witnesses are expected to believe that this was all acceptable in the eyes of Christ and that it negated the good done by any other Church in Christendom.
This was all acceptable in the Eyes of the gratest Judge in the universe.
For these and other reasons I cannot possibly see how any Jehovah Witness can expect me to confirm that the WTBS is the TRUTH.
My ears may have been tickeled but at least I am aware of that fact while they are totally unaware.
Why would I want to join a religion that made Jwsus look so incapable of making proper judgement.