Indianapolis, IN or South Carolina?????

by waiting 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • waiting

    Howdy, this is to try out our new "Desperately Seeking" forum -----some of us who have moved over the years......or are just not free to say outloud "I DON'T WANNA BE A JW!!!"

    Soooooooooo, I grew up in Indianapolis, IN - stayed until I was 30, primarily Irvington Congregation on 21st Street (Eastside) - anybody around there? Then Kokomo Cong. and Frankfort Cong. then briefly Lafayette Cong. Moved around a little.

    Ended up in the South Carolina Columbia, Camden, Sumter, Charleston area Congregations for the next 20 years.

    Jimmy Hager?
    Katrina Wiggams?

    Anyone out there? usual.

  • MadApostate
  • wonderwoman77

    Hi there, I was in the lafayette east and south congregations, but also knew people in the north congregation there. I also knew some people at frankfort and helped with their quickbuild. I knew some people from kokomo because a girl from my cong married a guy from there. What years were you in lafayette? Also my dad went to the irvington cong for a while. I was in lafayette from about 91 to 96. I am sure we know many of the same me if you would like...

  • waiting

    Well, howdy Hoosier!

    I was in Irvington Cong. from 1968 through 76. Kokomo 77, Frankfort 78, Kokomo 79, in 80 after the Last Blizzard, moved South - just a former Snowbird now

    Will e-mail you, ok? I believe the guy called "Borgfree" is from the Indpls area too. My sister, Patio, obviously is from Indpls also. She then lived in Whitestown for a while.

    Fancy that!


  • wonderwoman77

    I will be looking for your email...

  • borgfree


    Actually my home was Richmond, but I lived in Indianapolis for a couple of years as a teenager. I doubt that any of you were around then. I think my KH was called the SW unit. It was on Washington St.


    "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." Edward R. Murrow
  • Alana

    Hi! I lived in Indy for about 4 years (1988 - 1992).....AND, for all but one year of that, I attended the Irvington congregation. Around 1990 they did an entire reorganization of all the Indy congregation territories and redrew territory lines and Irvington congregation all but disappeared.....I think they even ended up renaming the congregation (what few of the original congregation that were left).

    I was getting split up from all the friends I used to hang with....I lived just 1 house over the territory line and was going to be in a new congregation where I didn't know a soul. I was very upset and wanted to stay with the congregation that was 1 house over from me, where I knew more people, but I was told it was wrong to go against the brothers and that if I did I would have privileges taken away.

    So, I did an even more stupid thing....I just up and got married and we moved to another congregation in the far northwest of Indy....College Park congregation. We were back to the East side in less than a year and out of Indy not too long after that.

    But, of all the congregations I've attended in my life...I have to say that I enjoyed my time in the Irvington congregation best....probably primarily because of my age at the time and my friends at the time.

    Maybe there are common friends or acquaintances???????

  • Yerusalyim


    I was NEVER a part of any Congregation of JW's HOWEVER, I've lived in Illinois and CURRENTLY live in Columbia, SC (more properly, on Ft Jackson) are you still in this area?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Hi Waiting,

    I’m trying to remember the one or two Congregations in Indy that I visited. In one the PO was a bald headed guy who pioneered and had at least one son. Seems that he had lots of assembly parts. Was that Irvington by any chance?

    My son hung with his son just a little; came home and told me horror stories about speeding, etc. on the highways.

    I was a visiting speaker a couple of times in Indy, but for the life of me I’m not sure about the names anymore (my visits would have been more than 25 years ago :-(


    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

  • Alana


    What part of IL did you live in? I was raised, and now live again, in central IL.

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