Indianapolis, IN or South Carolina?????

by waiting 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Yerusalyim

    Back to the top because, well... because I can.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • waiting

    Yeru - I will e-mail you, or you me, ok? Btw, my e-mail that's listed doesn't seem to be working right (so my sister tells me) so I'll keep looking towards e-mailing you. You goose - it's "Olive Garden" not "Olive Guardian." Good food, btw.

    Carrabas sounds good. I also have other family in Cola - I'll e-mail you with the information - maybe a bigger get together? Btw, my son says Spaghetti Factory is a good one too. I know your wife would like The Gourmet Shop in 5 Points. Great chicken salad!

    Sam - The Silvas were GREAT! I loved them.....I was pregnant with son mentioned above & they had dinner with us - so much fun. His wife was just so outgoing and unpretentious. I don't know of anybody who didn't like them. Porteguese by background. He was much more quiet than she. I remember she was the first sister to actually wear pierced earrings publicly after everyone was so serious about such stuff. She said in once congregation she visited that the sisters waited until she came in - saw her large pierced hoop earrings........and took theirs out of their purses and put them in. Guess the local elders had been riding their cases about stupid stuff like that.

    The Assembly Hall in Indy used to be a Baptist Temple. Was a dump and with all the labor.....a beauty arose. Very impressive.

    Alana - The Kleins were good people. Glenda moved to Boston (around there) after marrying a yankee. She said she'd never been so cold in her life.

    Did you know the Staileys? They were in the Irvington Cong, then moved to Eastgate congregation. Sue & Jack. Brenda & Elizabeth daughters, Mark & another son & another daughter. I liked this family - slightly dysfunctional, like me.

    Don Needham used to roll his eyes when Jan laughed saying "I hope she gets another laugh in the New System......" Lawd!!!!!!! The euchre parties!!!!!! Only in Indiana and at the Needhams! Did they still have that funky house?

    Mark Stailey was/is PO in Kokomo Congregation. Btw, I'm assuming that South Carolina is MUCH nicer than Illinois ..... at least in the winter, eh?

    What fun this thread is!


  • waiting

    Hey Yeru!

    Just e-mailed you....then decided to check your profile as to who I just invited to lunch. Always a tad slow on the draw......

    I was raised a Catholic also. My son and his friends are rabid Star Trek followers *sigh*. You should have some things in common! I know from other posts you're wife & I might have some things in common.

    Sounds like a good lunch conversation comin' round!


  • Barb

    I am new to this forum...I grew up attending the Craigwood Unit (Unit? boy am I aging myself!) untill 1965 when I moved and then Plainfield KH untill late 80's. I have lived in Indy now 11yrs. since moving from the country. And yes....I am a here on the Westside (but I am a Southside at heart does that count?!....LOL
    Many of those posted names of JW's I remember also. Kleins, DO and his wife, Don,Jan (fr.Calvert)Needham, Hathaways etc.Interesting to recall people from our past.
    Have a great day!

  • borgfree

    Hi Barb,

    Good to see you here. If you are who I think you are I will verify,

    ....I am a weirdo


    "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

  • waiting

    Does anybody remember Don and Florence Sparks. Matt & Steve are their sons (Matt has about 5 kids in teens now), or Sue Stailey (& husband, Jack & 5 kids). Stailey son is PO in Kokomo cong.

    Florence brought me into the org - but she's still a fine lady. Any old Auto Trim Design people here - or Trim Line people? Lots of them in the Indy area.

    I was in Frankfort cong. for a while - my favorite elder was Doyle Coonrod (don't make fun of name). Very nice, just good, man. His son was up at Bethel for a long time.

    Nice meeting people with the same recollections that I have......even Westsiders.


  • Barb

    Borgman? Do I know you?
    Also, I know a Trim Line guy named Steve
    Have a great evening

  • Barb

    Opps! Sorry I meant Borgfree, not is later than I thought!

  • borgfree

    Hi Barb,

    Yes, you do. I will be flying out of your airport in two weeks. Going to Dan's convention and spending about two and a half weeks roaming California with my son and Dannie from near Columbus. We intend to visit Lost Wages also.


    "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

  • Barb

    Borgfree, Please tell Dan and the others we send our warmest regards. Still many health problems here...but maybe someday! we can attend Dan convention! The reports from it are awesome....just read his newsletter, so well done.


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