I lived in Sparta Illinois, down by Carbondale and St Louis.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
by waiting 41 Replies latest jw experiences
I lived in Sparta Illinois, down by Carbondale and St Louis.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
And who said that Indiana spawned more serial killers than any other state..........actually, that is true - at least that's what I was told.
wonder woman - I'm slow at e-mails, but will respond, been out of town.
borgfreeE. Washington St. or W. Washington St.? I was on East side, 21st & Arlington, to be exact.
Yeru! Would like to meet up with you and your wife for lunch/dinner? Would be nice - I've mentioned it to you before, but, alas, you didn't take up my offer of a free meal. Now ya gots to pay as my good humor elapsed. Are you ready for our buggy, humid, summers?
Hey Sam Perhaps Glen Klein? Stout, marvelous speaker, with 5 kids total? He pioneered forever, PO about same length of time, his wife's name is Delores (Delo for short). He got df'd for about a year (business dealings), but was re-instated. They were good people imho. I think they were transferred to another congregation later.
Nice to meet you Alana! I came into the org. through Don & Florence Sparks (2 sons - Steve & Matt). Don Needham was a pioneer forever - strange, funny man. I moved out around '78 - but lots of these people were staples in the Irvington cong.
I'm with you though, I always viewed Irvington congregation as my home. Always enjoyed it more than any other.
My husband's from SC. When we'd fly back to Indy to visit, it was easier to stay near the airport & rent a car & drive to the Eastside. Well, traditionally, Indy West is rough.....and a lot of mental people seem to hang out there.
On the second trip, in a local Westside restaurant, my husband finally turned to me and asked, "What? You people dump all the weirdos on the Westside or what?" I didn't realize it was that noticeable......
An apology is extended if I've offended someone who happens not be be a weirdo and lives on the Westside near the Indy airport.
Hoosier misplaced - waiting
I lived on the west side (everyone is thinking, that explains everything) but, no wierdo's in the 50s. (that I know of)
I actually lived at a place called Maplehurst Trailer Court, but our KH was more in toward town on west Washington. I had JW friends in a place called Tindle Town. Sort of an army type housing. The Hathaway's lived about 8 - 10 blocks from us.
There was a Klein girl about my age, I know I must be wrong, but it seems like her name was Patsy?
"We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." Edward R. Murrow
"Klein? Stout, marvelous speaker?"
Sounds right. Thanks Waiting.
hey borgfree,
My parents' start in Indy was in a Westside (explains everything) trailer court. One has to understand, a trailer court in the 50's was absolutely not like they are now. Blacktop, small trailer, blacktop, small trailer, etc.
Down south, there are many trailer areas (not called courts anymore) - lots of trees, grass, least in a lot of them.
But in Indy, it does seem that trailer courts existed on the Westside.
Of course, much good came out of the Westside - you're evidence, eh?
hey Sam,
Glen Kleine was the best speaker I've ever heard - he could touch your heart better than anyone. More of a "story teller." He used to start his pioneering time by getting coffee & newspaper at 6am in the kitchen, calling some study to confirm a later time, then drink his coffee.
Hey back Waiting,
If you like story tellers you must remember and have liked Bro. Silva, a CO sometime in the early to mid 70s. He was probably the best speaker/CO in my memory. Klein was good too, but you heard him much more frequently than I did since you were living in Indy.
Silva and I got along well. He liked music (classical too) and together we attended a concert of the Cincinnati Symphony. He and his wife enjoyed it thoroughly.
He was back in Indy some years later at the assembly hall (the one that was converted from a former church) and the line to greet him was extremely long. Where you there by chance?
Well, i missed this thread for a while, but being from the same area as Waiting, since we were raised together, there's a bit i can add.
Sam, I remember the Silvas. The wife was vivacious and everyone adored her. It seems as tho she was from New York or New Jersey. The scuttlebut was that they moved on to the Bethel congregation later.
I was in the Glendale congregation for a long time, then moved out of the city and went to the Lebanon kh. Anybody from there?
LETS EAT! Carabbas? Something Chinese, The German Gast Haus, Olive Guardian, Zorbas, McDonalds Burger King (the Burger Kings on post are still open)
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
YERUSALYIM: I know where Sparta is. I currently live in the Champaign-Urbana area. I bet that South Carolina is so much better than it is here in IL!!
WAITING: Glen Kleine...yes, a wonderful person. I spent alot of time with him and his family, as I hung out with their kids and all...even when he was DF'd. He & Delo were very nice people. And he ALWAYS had some kind of story to tell, that is for sure!
I also knew the Sparks. Don & Jan Needham (who both could be 'strange' sometimes, but funny) were also in the congregation around that time...I used to like to go to Euchre parties at their house.
BORG: Glen Kleine had other brothers, so there were other Kleine kids around. Glen's daughters were: Glenda and Diane and the sons were: Danny, Nathan, & Mark.
SAM BELI & WAITING: Glen was about the best speaker I've ever known. His brother, Ed, lived about 2 hours north of Indy, near the IL border and was a close friend of my parents....and they were both alot alike in their looks, mannerisms, and speaking.
SAM BELI: Yes, I remember attending many assemblies in that Assemble Hall (that used to be the church temple). Our Circuit here in IL was even assigned there for a few years for our assemblies! I know that when I left the area they were looking to build a new assembly hall and sell that one. Does anyone, perhaps, know if they ever did that? Just curious....
It is so nice to find people with common acquaintances and makes boards like this so much more personal and meaningful to me (at least to me). I'm really enjoying this thread.....
Hey Waiting,
Of course, much good came out of the Westside - you're evidence, eh?I tried really hard to disagree with that statement but found that I just couldn't. Thanks.
I think Glenn is closer to my age, the girl I am thinking about may have been his sister or cousin? I know Patsy Klein was getting popular about that time so I think maybe I have gotten the names mixed up over all of these years.
"We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." Edward R. Murrow