If there is a God . . .

by zed is dead 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Actually, it does jive.

    God set the environment, not once, but twice. Try reading it and knowing what it says if you are going to make claims about it.

    But even if not... I am sure that you know by now that it is Christ - the Word of God - I listen TO. He is the one who opens eyes and ears so as to be able to see and hear... Him, and also the scriptures.

    I absolutely do know of your propensity for treating the Bible like a booty call and making stuff up as you go.

  • Tater-T

    if there is a God.... why do we need to Pray..

    If one is asking for something of God in Prayer... isn't that an admission that one does not think God is handling things appropriately..

    and that the one praying has a better solution than God..

    why do we pray for starving kids... is it because we don't think an all knowing god is aware of their demise.. or that our interceeding will adjust Gods will towards them?

    something to think about next time you go to God in prayer.. what are you really doing..

  • OnTheWayOut

    My assertion is that we do not get to blame God for the things that man does to harm us or to harm others.

    Nor for the consequences of the choices that we have made. Neither God nor Christ told me to go to the wts. I chose to do that. The mistakes that I have personally made in my life that have brought harm to myself or to others have come from me NOT listening to Christ and God. So I cannot blame them for what I have done.

    Tammy, if someone (say OTWO) was to absolutely sincerely cry out to God for guidance and understanding and ask to be led to Him, and that person were to be led astray by Jehovah's Witnesses, and God didn't prevent their being led astray, then even avoiding "blaming" God for not preventing such a terrible tragedy, I would say "Who needs you, God? Hasa Diga Eebowai!" (See video on page 2)

    The God of "It was like that when I got here" and "I wasn't the one who insisted that my people rape little girls after killing their parents" is a God not worthy of worship.

  • Phizzy

    exactly OTWO, you expressed it well.Tammy has condemned her own god by her words, he is the god who is responsible for nothing, doesn't do anything, and expects us to clear up our own mess.

    Fine, so what exactly is this god for ?

    When that little boy in the concentration camp breathed his last, after being hung for 30 minutes, it was nothing to do with the all powerfull, all loving god who looked on from heaven wringing his hands , along with his son, who was too busy speaking in people like Tammys ears to intervene, just like his dad, a do nothing bystander, because it is all mans fault, nothing to do with him, he mustn't force himself on us.


  • tec

    Tammy, if someone (say OTWO) was to absolutely sincerely cry out to God for guidance and understanding and ask to be led to Him, and that person were to be led astray by Jehovah's Witnesses, and God didn't prevent their being led astray, then even avoiding "blaming"

    God for not preventing such a terrible tragedy, I would say "Who needs you, God? Hasa Diga Eebowai!" (See video on page 2)

    Perhaps someone (say OTWO) could consider that he was not listening to God or hearing his Son speak, when this someone cried out for help. Perhaps because someone (say OTWO) had been taught that it doesn't work that way, or that God speaks through signs instead of the Spirit? Perhaps someone (say OTWO) listened to the jws instead, because his eyes and ears were not turned to Christ, the one God sent for us TO listen to? And perhaps God allowed this because someone (say OTWO) needed help, but would not hear or listen to God or His Son at this time (for whatever reason)? Or perhaps God just allowed this someone (say OTWO) his choice.

    And perhaps Christ called to this someone through his whole time as a jw, and is still calling to this someone today, to come to Him, for truth, peace, love, life.

    Peace to you,


  • OnTheWayOut

    Perhaps someone (say OTWO) could consider that he was not listening to God or hearing his Son speak, when this someone cried out for help.

    I don't quote the Bible much anymore. I won't open it to find the specific verse, but I seem to recall that God was supposed to have told people that He knows what is in our hearts and knows what we are trying to say even if we cannot find the words to pray. The wonderful God you have in your heard certainly could overcome my lack of understanding how to "hear" Him if I were sincere. AND I WAS SINCERE.

    We can add to the list:
    "It was like that when I got here"

    "I wasn't the one who insisted that my people rape little girls after killing their parents"

    "If YOU don't know how to listen to me, it's not MY problem."

    Perhaps someone could simply then say "Who needs you, God? Hasa Diga Eebowai!" (See video on page 2)

  • OnTheWayOut

    Nevermind, I promised to cut down on these arguments. Good day Tammy. Good day.

  • Tater-T

    hey Tammy next time you are talking with GOD .. maybe he can tell you how communicate his message better so as not pi$$ everyone off.

    your pulling out the blame the victim card is pretty lame..

    try someting better .. or is that all you got

    but I usually avoid reading anything from you.. and I'll most likely continue that trend.. as I don't like being angry

  • EntirelyPossible

    Perhaps someone (say OTWO) could consider that he was not listening to God or hearing his Son speak, when this someone cried out for help.

    You see, OTWO? It's your fault for not for not listening with your super ear on and your head turned the right direction because Jesus is so easily NOT hear, despite being the son of God.

    Got that, OTWO? Jesus expects you to fix your problems himself, he needs worship and you should love him, but he sure as heck ain't gonna be responsible for fixing anything and you need to listen REALLLY REALLY hard if you to hear him so you can worship him while he's not actuallt doing anything for you.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I am sure that you know by now that it is Christ - the Word of God - I listen TO..tec

    Wow! I didn't know that...LMAO!

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