I'm in a simiilar position too, trying to fade but husband is still in (although happily he is starting to look into a few things since I've expressed my doubts) and we have two little ones. It's so hard, especially if you are like me and aren't quite sure of what you believe any more, im only sure of what I don't believe.
I'm not sure how old your son is, it may be harder if he is a little older and has had more time to be indoctrinated but mine are 2 and 4 and its easy enough at the moment to just not talk about it at home - my husband never does the family study anyway so they really don't get much WT stuff thrown at them. We haven't been at the meetings much recently due to illness and when we are there I take toys/colouring in books/normal kids books for them so they aren't bored.
I don't think a slow fade is selfish because you are doing it to keep in with family, I'm doing exactly the same but it definitely makes it a whole lot harder when you have children. I think all you can do for now is try and encourage friendships with other kids, make life fun for them, spend lots of time with them and encourage them to think and use their brains and not just accept everything they hear.
Wishing you every success and please feel free to pm me if you want to chat, I know how hard it is :(
Brainmelt x