What do you think of Sweden's care for the elderly?

by FlyingHighNow 46 Replies latest members politics

  • mP

    Thats right you dont even need ID to get into hospital, your just accepted.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Well, Sweden isn't heaven on earth, but it is a good country to live in. As most countries in northern/western Europe! I also think the same could be said about Canada, Australia and New Zeeland.

  • Dagney

    I have a friend who is not a JW, but was raised around a family of JW's that were former friends of mine. One couple, (whom I sponsored to live here and now shuns me), moved from Sweden to SoCal primarily to start a new life, especially to avoid the high taxation. I don't remember the figure, but it was like 50-60% I think. Their nonJW friend became my friend and when he visits them every two years, he also stays with me for a week. Which is interesting because the JW's know he does this, and I told the nonJW friend I could be disfellowshipped for letting him stay with me. I did bring him to Besty and sweetpea's house last time where we smoked cigars and had a lovely time. I told him again, I could be Df'd if he told on me.

    I digress. Anyhoo, I have listened for 20+ YEARS about everything that is right with Sweden and EVERYTHING that is wrong with the US. For some reason, they have to talk about it...constantly...until I can't take it anymore and challenge them to come up with how they would fix a country like the USA, which they all love. Sweden is the size of one of our states. You can't compare the two as countries...the principles, yes.

    With that being said, it seems like a civil way to live and not worry. Because I'm really worried about my future. I try not to. But I do.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    In the 70's-80's taxes could be that high! Nowdays most people pay 30-40% taxes in sweden. I think both Norway and Denmark have higher taxes thean ours now.

  • FlyingHighNow
    One couple, (whom I sponsored to live here and now shuns me), moved from Sweden to SoCal primarily to start a new life, especially to avoid the high taxation.

    California is an expensive place to live. And now our Social Security retirment benefits and medicare are in danger, as well our futures. I hope they don't regret their decision. We pay ridiculous amounts of tax here, too, when you add up the taxes we pay on everything, including income, state income tax, city, county, property, sales, gasoline, car tags, telephone, internet, electricity, etc. How much of our paychecks do we really bring home?

  • hamsterbait


    The sugar coating that makes socialised health and home care look like a good thing.

    WHy should a citizen be expected to pay taxes to look after every Tom Dick and Harry? He should be allowed to keep his money, and if he wishes, invest it for his own health careand retirement.

    These people are not free. They are slaves to socialised care. Where is the freedom to die of cancer, TB and other diseases because you cannot pay for your treatment? The freedom to die of hypothermia in your own home because the gas company cut you off? The freedom to be gunned down as you buy a coffee in a drive by shooting?

    When you cease contributing to the economy you should not get anything back. Parasites.


  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Well, in Africa people are free to die in tuberculosis, cancer and AIDS without getting interfered with healthcare!

  • Dagney

    California is an expensive place to live. And now our Social Security retirment benefits and medicare are in danger, as well our futures. I hope they don't regret their decision. We pay ridiculous amounts of tax here, too, when you add up the taxes we pay on everything, including income, state income tax, city, county, property, sales, gasoline, car tags, telephone, internet, electricity, etc. How much of our paychecks do we really bring home?

    They moved about 13 years or so to AZ. They were able to get a new small home for a reasonable amount of money. And he took a job there. He has since lost that job and makes money as a mechanic. BUT, I hear that they plan on moving back to either Norway or Sweden in the future, and I believe their kids can go to university for free there. The friend is coming this summer, so I'll get an update.

    The few people I know who live in those countries, and Denmark, appear quite happy with the arrangement. They think we live an insane life here. BUT, I believe now there is an issue now with all the people they have given political assylum to draining the services, and there is not enough work for them.

    I'll hear all about it in about 3 months.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    All education is free in Sweden! I think it is the same in most european countries!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hamster, you are funny!

    BUT, I believe now there is an issue now with all the people they have given political assylum to draining the services, and there is not enough work for them.

    Check the websites for the articles I posted. Read the one on xenophobia. Apparently, all that about immigrants draining services is not true.

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