What do you think of Sweden's care for the elderly?

by FlyingHighNow 46 Replies latest members politics

  • mP

    The avg tax rate in Ausralia is not 57% its 33% and we get free medicare and all the other free stuff. Then again Sweden is snowed in for a few months a year. The BIble was lying when it said Israel was the promised land, Australia is hte promised land.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Income taxes are 30-35 for average incomes. Then there is the "Moms" a tax on things you buy. For most products it is 20%, but for food it is less,I think it is 12%.

    Then there are also special taxes for special products, like gasoline and alkohol. Alcohol beverages are very expensive here, only Norway have higher taxes on alcohol.

    If I shold guess taxes on alcohol and gasoline are about 70-80 of the price you pay

  • FlyingHighNow
    The avg tax rate in Ausralia is not 57% its 33% and we get free medicare and all the other free stuff. Then again Sweden is snowed in for a few months a year. The BIble was lying when it said Israel was the promised land, Australia is hte promised land.

    33%? Wow are so many Americans misinformed on how much we are being duped.

    Any attractive, intelligent, witty, moderate to,single 50 something men from Sweden or maybe, hmm, maybe Australia or countries similar to Sweden, without the snow, out there? I live in Michigan and really am tired of the snow. I'd put up with snow for the right guy though.

  • barry

    I saw a program on the television where they compared all taxes paid in Australia to all taxes paid in the US . The result was about the same was paid in tax in each country.

    Of course it must be said we spend less on our military than the US as a percentage of GDP but I also beleive our medical system is much more efficient than the one in the US. I fact US politicians have visited Australia frequently to study our health system. Barry

  • barry

    I have met quite a few Americans here in Canberra that have made Australia home. They mostly cite our health system as a reason they like Australia. I also beleive wages are higher here and they may be higher in Sweden too.

    There was a survey done on the 80 best countries to live Australia was 1st or 2nd , i think Sweden was 4th , the states was 14th . Nigeria came in at 80th Barry

  • pbrow

    MP, I didnt say tax rates for Australia are 57%.

    If the people of Sweden have deemed pensions for all and health care for all are worth tax rates that are in the ballpark of 50 cents for every dollar they earn than who am I to begrudge them that. It is just strange that you would work for a year and only get paid for half a year.

    on a side note.... Flyinghigh... I would venture to say my personal tax rate at the end of the day including income tax and all the various sales, usage and other taxes are in the ballpark of 25%.


  • pbrow

    Justitia, couple things... if you dont think your getting anything for your high taxes than you should move to Sweden for some more (free) education.

    Sweden is not the most heavily armed nation. The single state of Texas has as many armed citizens as Sweden does... plus more than a couple secret service men as well.


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