Hi Flying high now..it is true in a way.....in Sweden we give asylum to more people (round 100000) each year, than are born here. It is not a great problem now, but in a few years it could make our welfare system collapse. We expect a lot of refugees from Somalia and Syria this year.
What do you think of Sweden's care for the elderly?
by FlyingHighNow 46 Replies latest members politics
I'm not sure where the article is your are referring to FHN. I'm at work right now so I'll check it out later.
I do believe it is a situation. Not sure of Norway, and where in Sweden. I have friends from Denmark and they REALLY have been complaining about this issue for a long time...15+ years. And when we visited Germany, there was an issue with same thing in certain cities. In many cities there are Spanish congregations for the political immigrants from S America. It's been a few years and I can't remember all the issue. But believe me, I will...they love to talk about it...all the time!!!
Here is the link and I'll paste the article. It seems that every country has immigrants and there are politicians and businessman who like to encourage worry about them.
Oct 28, 2009
My father's country
by: Martin Ådahl Curiosity is the most effective weapon against xenophobia, writes journalist and head of think tank FORES Martin Ådahl, as a comment on the Sweden Democrats’ future role in Swedish politics.
Writer Martin Ådahl wants his Sweden to stay progressive, optimistic and open. Photo: Andreas DybeckWhen I was five, I was pushed over by two boys at my preschool. I still have the scars from the ugly cuts on my left hand.
While my parents comforted me that evening, I grumbled about the “Frenchies” who had attacked me. I was taken aback, and a bit irritated, when my father interrupted to ask where they came from. I knew that they came from Africa. But where in Africa? Was it Cameroon? No, it was probably Senegal. Had I talked about Senegal with them, my father asked. He was disappointed to learn I had not. So he began telling me things about that exciting country himself. I waited for some kind of explanation as to why the “Frenchies” had been so mean to me.
Whether my father wanted to arouse my interest in West Africa or to make sure I understood the danger of using expressions like “Frenchies,” I’ll never know. But as usual he managed to infect me with his incurable curiosity about the world. About the fact that there’s a unique thread in each individual that leads straight into the mighty web of world history and world culture — and which you just can’t help talking about.
The Sweden Democrats recently had their annual congress. The economic crisis and unemployment, it is claimed, could bring them parliamentary seats, a pivotal role in Swedish politics and undue influence on future government policy.
I could write about the rational aspect. About the studies showing that immigration neither boosts unemployment nor reduces pay for the worst off. About the new report from the Government’s Expert Group on Public Finance, showing that public finances are hardly affected at all. That it is enough for just 72 per cent of foreign-born citizens to be in work for the Swedish taxpayer to make a net profit from immigration.
But I’d like to discuss the irrational aspect instead — the emotional side of the matter.
“For every stone-throwing teenager there are tens of thousands of people who have come from all corners of the world to contribute, to build Swedish cars, to write Swedish books, to save Swedish lives.”
Many politicians think xenophobia obeys the usual cynical laws of politics. If people complain about healthcare, you increase care funding. If people complain about foreigners, you cut back immigration. So the politicians move slightly closer to the xenophobes.
This is not only immoral, it’s stupid. In Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, France — the list goes on — every attempt to placate the xenophobes has simply served to strengthen the extremists.
Xenophobia is about fear of the unknown, fear of foreigners. Can we transform this fear into curiosity? Photo: Jonathan HallThis is because xenophobia has nothing to do with rational thought. In the part of the brain that generates emotions and stress, known as the amygdala, lies the caveman’s fear of the unknown. The more negative or disparaging about immigrants we are, the more the amygdala is stimulated to focus anxiety, stress and anger on the unknown. And the more our rational defense against fear breaks down.
The good part, though, is that what is morally right in this case is also politically effective. We are so much more than our amygdalas. We have equally strong impulses with regard to curiosity, optimism and compassion. Only one political tactic has managed to conquer xenophobia in the long run — that of enthusiastically describing time and again how people come here to join their life stories with ours and to bring us new ties, fascinating places, and cultures steeped in ancient history. This is what they’ve always done in Canada, one of the world's largest melting pots and welfare states — and a country without a single anti-immigrant party.
“My Sweden is a progressive, optimistic country, open to the world.”
It’s not a case of being merciful or “generous” (the term commonly used to describe our refugee policy). Nor is it a question of “reverse racism,” of excusing errors or shortcomings because of someone’s ethnic or cultural background. It’s the opposite. Each of us is responsible for his or her choices as an individual. For every stone-throwing teenager there are tens of thousands of people who have come from all corners of the world to contribute, to build Swedish cars, to write Swedish books, to save Swedish lives.
Ultimately, it’s a question of dignity. My Sweden is a progressive, optimistic country, open to the world. A country with affection for people and their fate. This is my native country, my father’s country, and I won’t let it be taken from me by xenophobes.
Having spent his life looking for the gleams of light, the cultural and historical ties, among all the injustices between nations, factions and coalitions, my father contracted cancer this spring. As it happened, the people who operated on him and cared for him included a Swedish–Latvian–Iranian surgeon, a Bosnian–Swedish doctor, and an Iraqi–Swedish and an Iranian–Swedish nurse. They gave him an extra few months, and then another week.
He spent that final week talking to us about the history and culture of the world, and about our little family’s place in all this. And naturally, curious as ever, he asked those who were fighting to keep him alive to tell him their stories so that he could learn about the strange and wonderful ways in which their destinies had become interwoven with his life and with ours.
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ARF Sweden — Film and culture for human rightsMartin Ådahl
The above article helped me to understand how a good half of American voters can be convinced that the poor, the middle class, the elderly, the disabled, the immigrants legal and illegal are parasites who deserve nothing. It makes me sick, to see this happening.
I don't like the plan of the JW couple who moved out of Sweden to avoid supporting that system then want to go back to retire, a little fiduciary duty please.
If we didnt have our military complex you can bet there would be some serious social changes, not only here in the US but throughout the world.
The average tax rate for sweden is 57%. No thanks, I continue to live in greatest country in the history of mankind.
We in the US need to study and follow the best ideas and practices coming out of countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany etc.. We are way down the list in several key areas- education, and health care for instance. A High School diploma does not get you anywhere here while in many countries you graduate with a working skill, apprenticeship level. And making college more available. Those types of things set you up for a better life all around, your health included.
Here in Australia we have private medical care which you pay out of your own pocket or with the help of insurance cover. Then we have Medicare which is payed by everyone in their taxes as a levi. The system works quite well. When my wife went to hospital to give birth she was given a private room but the funny part is before you leave the hospital you have to sign a document saying you don't have to pay any fee foryoure stay in hospital.
Because Australia is as large as the states but is underpopulated about 25 million people health care is provided to remote areas by an organisation called the Royal flying doctor service. Doctors and nurses fly in and provide treatement and evacuate patients if necessary to a city hospital. I don't know if anything similar exists anywhere else in the world but I would interested to hear about it. Barry
Justitia Themis
Sweden recently experienced a situation very similar to the U.S. It needed to decide what kind of a healthcare system it would have. The Right waged a vicious policy battle with the Left, but the Left won by a slight majority--think Obamacare.
I must say I am quite impressed by the Swedish Right because they have no problem acknowledging that they were wrong and the parade of horribles that they predicted never came to pass.
Additionally, I appreciate the Swedes and their nod to euthanasia (Greek for the "good death"). Recently, a bill came to vote that would have outlawed euthanasia tourism in Sweden, and the Swedes voted it down by a majority larger than the majority that voted for euthanasia legislation in the first place. Go Swedes! Most policy wonks think the rising Baby Boomer generation will demand legalization of euthanasia in the U.S....in addition to pot. ; )
Lastly, it bears noting that the Swedes are the most heavily armed nation with virtually every citizen owning guns. ...just sayin'....
I want to leave the U.S. and move to Sweden, but there is little chance I could get a work Visa. My oldest daughter, however, is quite excited because the company she works for is international and has a large center there; she wants out of the U.S. also.
The average tax rate for sweden is 57%. No thanks, I continue to live in greatest country in the history of mankind.
Uh...yeah...but the Swedes actually receive something in exchange for their 57%, so they--like most Europeans--don't complain that much. What do I get for my high tax bracket? Most of my liberal northwestern tax dollars are diverted to the South.
The average tax rate for sweden is 57%. No thanks, I continue to live in greatest country in the history of mankind.
Pbrow, add up all of the taxes you pay and see where the percent lies. I mean all taxes that you pay right down to your car tags, beer taxes and sales tax. What services do you get for your taxes?
Then tell me how much of your income you would have to use to get the same level of services the Swedes get, paid for by their taxes. I mean the services you do not currently get with your taxes that the Swedes currently get with theirs.
If you start with let's say 25% of your paycheck going for taxes, then start adding city and property taxes, car tag taxes, sales taxes, alcohol taxes (if you drink), tobacco taxes (if you smoke), gasoline taxes, telephone taxes, electricity taxes, natural gas taxes, soda pop taxes, and on and on, how many taxes are you paying? Where does the percent land? If you look at this thread, someone pointed out that income tax in Sweden is not at the 57% rate anymore.
Dismissing Servant, what tax rates exist in Sweden, currently?