Nope - absolutely everthing is 100% polished bovine turd.
Do You Believe In ANYTHING That The Witnesses Taught At This Point In Your Life?
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
I don't believe in anything they taught anymore, its very awesome having a clear mind
Amelia Ashton
The dead are dead and conscious of nothing. I believe that.
The dead are dead and conscious of nothing. I believe that.
Oh Yeah - good point!
I learned that tons of relgion groups are currupt, unfortattaly, they are included in that fact.
The Watchtower is actually pretty good at negative doctrines they don't believe:
immortal souls, the Trinity, hellfire, etc.
They're also good at pointing out hypocrisy of OTHER religions.
However...when it comes to creating any new doctrines, they're actually very bad. And they do their level best to frighten anyone away from seeing or pointing out THEIR hypocrisy.
Amelia Ashton
*** w02 9/1 p. 26 “I Would Not Change a Thing!” ***
Religion Is a Snare and a Racket.
Amelia Ashton
(Ecclesiastes 12:12) .?.?.To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh. (The JW stuff was certainly wearisome)
But possibly they are running out of new material and are having to recycle their old stuff.
For example, they pride themselves in what they DON'T believe such as immortal souls, the Trinity, hellfire, etc.
Some exjws still believe it is the "Truth" and support the basics......Minimus
If the WBT$ started Teaching..
"Immortal Souls,Trinity and Hell Fire"
JW`s would be "On Board" in a Heart Beat..
A Good JW doesn`t care What they Believe..
They just..
Do as they`re EFFIN Told!..
.............................. ...OUTLAW
hi ... I DO. God, the Bible, Jesus. The story/history.
sure why not. Taking a positive - like, i'm grateful for all the time I put in studying bout Bible etc and learning about all that stuff. the theme, the message.
I love it, really I do. But now i don't have guilt, fears or worry as I am finding out truths, doesn't mean everything wasn't true. Jesus says we're in the last days, so we don't know exactly some details, he told us noone knows, not even him. Now i'm not stressed about when it will happen, cos date/time not important.
My eyes have been opened, I'm no longer captive to the org/cult/brainwashing/control whatever you want to call it.
I have peace of mind. It's brilliant. But I still believe there is some truth to it all.
Great thing is, I can't be called apostate - so I am proving WT wrong to all the faithful JW's - if only they knew.
maybe some interested ones questioning/looking will read this and it will help. I sure hope it does.