Not much. I don't believe in hell fire or the trinity, that's about it.
Do You Believe In ANYTHING That The Witnesses Taught At This Point In Your Life?
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
The Witnesses are so far removed from reality, and so stuck in their 19th century beliefs, that there is nothing they teach worth keeping. That’s why I left when I was 20- I was like “Get me out of this f*****g lunatic asylum!” Only later did I realize that Christianity was the same- a fraud that has been perpetuated for 2,000 years, and foisted onto generation after generation of unsuspecting innocent people.
I still believe that bad associations spoil useful habits. Associating with JWs led me to pioneer instead of holding down a full time job.
Once I found out about all the lies and deceptions, I doubted EVERYTHING.
Sadly though, I still believe everything that they said was false about other religions.
I can't see EVER getting involved any other Organized Religion since they taught me that all of their doctrines were false.
What else is there? Agnosticism? Atheism?
When JFR proclaimed "religion is a snare and a racket" that I totally agree with.
Not really, I am very apathetic about religion and dogmas.
I tend to agree. But even easier, I find that I would believe that ANYTHING that the Witnesses taught is absolutely wrong. It would go much easier for a betting man to bet that anything whatsoever that they teach can be proven wrong.
What astounds me is that so many who say they are "atheists" still secretly believe
"the basics" as if the WT had some "insider information" on doctrines and some
"Special Knowledge"
One more time: all WT doctrines were stolen, borrowed, lifted, invented by,
the early Amercian Adventist movement of the 19th century,
Millerites and Adventist developed ALL the no-hell fire,
no -trinity , plan of the ages, Golden Age, "Armageddon Generation", obsession with:
Timelines, Daniel, Counting Dates, Years, Numbers etc etc-
its all second hand information, NOT "special knowledeg" only the WT knew.
no.... nothing that is based on the bible do I give any credibility....
I still believe that it's ok with God for blood to be removed from someone else's body, spun down and separated into fractions and used for medical purposes so long as A:) a non-JW donates the blood B:) a non-JW separates the components and administers them.
mind blown
Not a word.
They now remind me of children with super x-ray play glasses trying to dicipher bible codes.
The WTS is all horse shit. And the pile continues to grow as time marches on.......will be interesting to see what they have planned for their upcoming new light/excuse spin......