No - I think it's complete and utter bollocks.
Do You Believe In ANYTHING That The Witnesses Taught At This Point In Your Life?
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
I believe absolutely nothing from the WTBTS.
I do believe that the dead are conscious of nothing, I think I may have felt that regardless of upbringing.
Just because you believe something, no matter for how long you have held that belief, or how deeply you hold it, that does not make it true.
So, having learned the above, I examined everything the WT teaches and came to the same default position as Bungi Bill above, trust nothing they teach.
If I still felt that something they taught was true, I would be moved to put that belief under the spotlight with especial rigour, giving real consideration to all who do not agree and their arguments, because if the WT teaches it ,it must at the very least be very very suspect.
Even basic stuff like the bits mentioned by Julia Orwell above, they deserve heavy ,true impartial scrutiny.
The only things I've held onto are the core values - being a decent person, loving my neighbor, honesty, etc.
The rest of it just makes me feel tired.
One of their biggest fallacies = that everyone else, the world and especially people of the churches are basically bad. I am continually smacked in the face by how wrong this idea is.
:Do You Believe In ANYTHING That The Witnesses Taught At This Point In Your Life?
Absolutely. I believe that "Religion is a Snare and a Racket" and they never actually said this but "Religions who are nothing more than fronts for buying and selling their never-ending supply of new books are an ever worse Snare and a Racket."
Religions that force people to buy and sell their books and then claim to be the only ones who speak for God are not just a "Snare and a Racket", they are consummate assholes.
But that's just me.
Julia Orwell
I believe in Christian living and forgiveness and that, as well as not using tobacco and that. I hated tobacco when I was kid, before I became a JW anyway so that's nothing I've gotten from them specifically.
I believe that not everything they teach is bollocks. I believe that teaching respect for the elderly, for instance, is not bollocks, neither what they say on showing respect. Of course the practice is very different to the theory, but some of the theory isn't tripe. Most of it is, but it's the old saying: one hundred truths to get you to believe one lie. Except there's maybe one truth to get you to believe one hundred lies.
Red Piller
I believe that they have a specific agenda for everything they print. This is not an "educational work" nor are they disseminating "bible truths."
They will concoct a convenient formula of scriptures that promotes the agenda-du-jour.
"The End of False Religion is Near"
GB-8 shares 1st place in a bucket of popcorn and a bed wetter size coke ready to watch the fun unfold!
I believe that the Tetragrammaton meant more than Lord or God.