It gets better. Part II of "Apostates are blown out of the water"

by never a jw 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    When I was 1st awakened to the TTATT I used to love to point out gen 3 and ask them who told the real lie? or why do JW mis-translate eph 4:8 to vindicate their power or rule?

    From your 2 post I would guess you are close to the cut-off with this guy.

  • snare&racket

    Why not walk away following one last blow....

    "dear mr elder, would you afford me the time of answering just one question? You tell me you have the truth and that I am seeking it. Can I ask you just one theological question?"

    if he says yes..

    "thank you...... What is gods name?"

    if he is smart he will admit it is not Jehovah, ask him therefore if it is true or false to call god Jehovah and preach that name to people? . Ask if the average jw knows that this is not gods name but a misunderstanding of a text etc.... Explain the danger of his last reply, assuming that once you find truth, it is no longer important to seek it, if one went by Wt literature alone you would be deceived into thinking Jehovah was gods name.

    assuming he is not smart, you can swing your final blow before walking away. I assume you know the history of the mistaken transcription Jehovah? The masoretes some 1000yrs after Jesus added the vowels from Adonai (lord) under the sentence YHWH (he causes to become) because they felt YHWH was too sacred to say. Adonai was written beneath it so that people said lord instead of YHWH. Centuries later idiots had wrongly mixed the vowels into the sentence, Latin changed YHWH into JHVH and the vowels from Adonai were added JaHoVaH.

    Once scholars realised the mistake when they saw the original masorete texts with Adonai written below the sentence YHWH, it was removed from bibles and hyms etc as an embarassing mistake...... Until the genius Rutherford arrived on the scene and put it back lol.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Your question was far too broad and vague. If you want him to confront something, keep your question short and explicit and provide a reference that he trusts

  • snare&racket

    Maybe end the email quoting Deuteronomy 18: 21-22

    21 And in case you should say in your heart: “How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?” 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak.

  • snare&racket

    The Watchtowers own Greek interlinear on page one confirms what I said about gods name. It says that they choose to use it as it is a 'popular rendition'.

    popular does not equal true.....

  • Apognophos

    I've never known anyone to be convinced of something radically different from what they believe by having a simple conversation, especially when they have everything to lose if they listen. That's not JW nature, it's human nature.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Once we are thoroughly convinced we have arrived at the truth, further searching would not only be fruitless,

    Isn't he forgetting the direction to "test out every inspired expression to see if it is from God"?

    Any Catholic priest or clergyman of any religion can make the same claim he is making. They too are convinced they have found The Truth. Even according to the WT doctrine, they DID have the truth (as correct and current as it was at the time) in the past (the wheat & the weeds). You can lead them to water. . . . .


  • Apognophos

    Yes, but to counter-balance that, Paul said that eventually we need to move on to solid food. It's a progressive action that can only go forward. This allows a Witness to avoid their fear of losing their beliefs by starting over from square one. They did their Beroean-style testing when they first learned the "truth", why should they risk finding out something contrary when the religion works for them? It's a big mistake that former JWs make when they assume that all JWs are yearning to break free of the org. just because their own experience was horrible. Many of them are perfectly happy where they are!

  • never a jw
    never a jw


    Great comment.

    Snare&racket, black sheep

    Thank you for the suggestion. I heard of the name Jehovah not being God's name. I just didn't know the explanation. I don't think I am going to pursue to corner him. The cognitive dissonance does not allow such a thing anyway. But mainly, I am not gonna push any harder because he happens to be a very dear friend to my family, wife, children, 2 brothers and their families.


    I am saving your suggestion. We have had a stream of e-mails where I have actually thrown several insults at the leaders of the WT. In previous e-mails he said that he believed that I didn't like the WT because of the God part???!!! I responded that I didn't like the leaders of the WT because "they were dishonest, manipulative and arrogant. I couldn't care less about belief in God or no belief at all".

    It's time to let go for now. Besides, I live in the U.S where I own a small business and tax time is looming large. I need to get all my paper work together and determine how much I am contributing to the Obama fund this year. I will pick up the debate with him later.

  • exwhyzee

    I realize now that one of the sources of our disagreements is that you are in pursuit truth, whereas I feel sure that I have found it.

    Once we are thoroughly convinced we have arrived at the truth, further searching would not only be fruitless, but and we may even be led, due

    to the enthusiasm of discovery, to dislodging the truth we have correctly acquired.

    2 Cor 13:5

    Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith.

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