Almost all of the messages that the Governing Body cause to be written are subliminal in nature, since the GB are indoctrinated, they can speak one thing to inculcate another related message at the same time. Every thing they print has a message which basically boils down listening, obey us and be blessed, or failure to listen and obey us and you will be dead. That is the core message that permeates 80% of what they write everything else is just window dressing for the Corporation.
NLP, Subliminal Messages and the WT Writing Department
by 00DAD 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
A longtime elder and, at that time WT Study Conductor I know once said to me (not exact words, but you get the drift): 'Pay very close attention to the way the Society words things in the Watchtower. Things are worded they way they are for a reason.'
This, was, of course, when I was still very much mentally in and all gung-ho. So was he, and he still is. Reflecting back, I believe there's more truth to those words than even he realizes.
For some examples of NLP, see Derren Brown with some of his youtibe videos/
If the JWs had the real truth (not 'the truth(R)'), there would be no need for the propaganda methods they use.
It's just more proof that they are a filthy, disgusting cult.
Its not wrong..trans.. but it aint right.
I am amazed at the sophistication of use of words from an org that has constantly shoveled against education.
I think what they are saying is...... It is not wrong to want to associate with your dissfellowshipped family. It is wrong though if you do associate with your disfellowshipped family, you will make Jehovah very sad.
They just don't want the r&f educated cus then they might recognise the methods used for control . The people behind the writing are very clever eg the way they pick out bita and pieces from other works and make them fit their reasoning , even if originally they don't .
I always feel somehow comtaminated (yes that strong a word ) when I look at Watchtower literature and need an antedote of Bible reading to put me right . The whole tone of the writing is just creepy .
I'm not sure if it can be categorized as NLP or subliminals, but I definatly think there was some screwy mind programming going on with the phrase "don't distance yourself from Jehovah."
In that article that phrase and close variations of it appeared about 2 dozen times. For a 19 par. study that's seemed excessive.
To give "distance from Jehovah" the appropriate amount of shock and horror they say in the 1st paragraph that this is the original sin. Therefore, distance from Jehovah=death non-resurrection, pain and suffering to others.
Going to college? It's not wrong but it might 'distance you from Jehovah'
Missed an assembly session? Missed some meetings? Couldn't make time for Aux. pioneering this year? Be careful brother/sister not to be distancing yourself from Jehovah.
Such an innocent sounding phrase- but it tightens the control, ups the paranoia, and makes J-dubs phobic of slacking off. At least I think they hope that it will.
I'm sooo happy to be mentally out :)
Where to store them:
I'm not a lawyer or whatever but is any of the language used in the literal-trash and dublications, used in a 'legal' way to protect the corporation?