"Wrong" is the word that has the most impact in that sentence. I thought it was oddly worded too. Why not say, "It is only natural to hope...." Definitely some subliminal jerking around going on.
NLP, Subliminal Messages and the WT Writing Department
by 00DAD 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Amelia Ashton
I do believe particular wording is deliberate in magazines.
Those already indoctrinated see the significance but the uninitiated won't have a clue.
Loaded language is their speciality.
Straight and Crooked Thinking is a good book to see behind the "words"
Free copy.....sorry cant make the link clickable on my iPad.
darth frosty
Coupla deep conversations on this subject:
I do believe they use NLP
Lifeistooshorts experience with hypnotism
Just my thoughts - "right" and "not wrong" are not linguistically equivalent. If you tell someone they are "not wrong" about a certain proposition, it leaves some uncertainty as to what actually is right. So you can weasel out of it later by saying you never made any claim.
I have NLP training and agree...and recognized how the wt uses emotional manipulation, anchors, etc. They very clearly understand and know exactly the impact they want to have.
I agree, HeyThere, and thanks to B'sass for boosting the post.
Band on the Run
I once thought that the writers were not well-educated. When I have a chance, I read the lit at JW.org. They are purposefully choosing very word. Sometimes the writers strike me as choosing odd phrases. I don't have the background to analyze it in more detail. Also, how do they achieve such a neutral tone when so many are writing. It is eerie.
Reminds me of the confusion and guilt I felt years ago as I read an article that didn't quite answer the question of whether it was okay to pray for a DF'd person.
The number of confused prayers I said about my DF'd child was endless.
The statement about "right" being different than "not wrong" is very correct.
Only in math does a double negative become a positive - not in English.
Double negatives are an essential part of accurate speech.
Unfortunately, the WTS does use as a CYA.