If you read most if not all of AuntConnie's posts and comments they are full of apathetic rhetoric of examples of being very unimpassioned
toward people who are disadvantaged in one way or the other, really dispelling notions of acting as a Christian with Christian values and virtues.
I think most of her comments comes in as vitriol expressions of vindictiveness toward ex-jws or people who aren't as rigidly faithful or
structured within this faith. These people she is talking about in her own assumption, are all members of this forum.
So she's throwing dirt at members of this forum, in spite of not realizing that a large majority of the people on this forum have
left the JW years ago and do not even attend anymore.
So if people are wonder whats up this this woman there you have it.
If she finds being a member of the JWS is so painful and unfulfilling then she shouldn't be a JWs and move on,
thats just my opinion.