Anyone have a record of lies told by the WT.

by jam 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Not enought HD space you will need like a yottabyte size HD!

    Thats for your hardcore nerds ;-)

  • Emery
  • Ding

    I just bumped the linked thread to the top.

    And let's not forget that when Russell was "proving" something about the date 1874, in the 1904 edition of Thy Kingdom Come, he gave the measurement from the "'First Ascending Passage' to its junction with the 'Entrance Passage'," of the Great Pyramid as 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the date, B.C. 1542.

    However, in the 1910 edition of the same book, when he changed the date he was promoting to 1914, the length of this measurement suddenly changed to 3457 inches in order to give the new date.

    The reader was not told that this "measurement" had been changed from one edition to the other.

    In both editions Russell claimed that the measurement "fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject..."

  • Mary

    Watchtower Quotes is another good link:

  • jam

    Thanks folks for your help. My list will consist of the

    ten most outrageous lies told by the WT. LOL

  • mP

    Christianity is based on lying. Everything they claim is almost never bible based. Ifyou read the scriptures they quote, you always need their help and interpretation to get to the final view point. Its never a simple read.

  • jam

    My number one pick, "For over a century, delightful CORRECT

    words of TRUTH covering every aspect of life have been

    presented in the WT publications. WT 1990 Dec. 15 p26.

    How in the hell can they say that with a straight face.

  • unstopableravens
  • mrsjones5

    You shouldn't take it so personal unstop. Turnabout is fair play.

  • frankiespeakin

    A record of WT lies would crash my hard drive if I had to down load it.

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