I think everyone here has heard this as a response to questioning or serious concerns about the religion. I think its a cowardly retort. A flimsy cop-out. Heres why. (Btw this is an espresso fueled rant so forgive the lousy writing)
Has anyone here ever heard a special needs talk about a real issue? Ive seen children singled out and publicly humiliated for smoking a cigarette, or for touching their girlfriends boobs. Basically JW kids are persecuted for being human adolescents, and yet, Ive never heard a public needs talk about child molesting, and theres been quite a few in the congregations Ive been in.
There are multitudes of reasons for all of us leaving the organization. Have any of these reasons ever been touched upon in talks or in the literature?
Take my own personal experience. My father was horribly unbalanced in his raising us in the "truth". To his credit he fully recognizes this and is sorry for it. He has even asked me to blame him and not the religion. A desperate and illogical attempt to get me back in. The thing he doesnt realize is that his behavior is not discouraged by the org, its encouraged. My dad was so paranoid about how we appeared to others. The magazines portray completely unreaching and disturbing ideals for how a true JW family should be. Parents will try to reach these ideals no matter what emotional and traumatic cost it has on their family. In the congregations my father tried to follow the example of head elders in our hall. All of these men have turned out to be complete failures with families that have fallen apart and appear to have no blessing from Jah for their rigid following of JW doctrines. My dad could have been a different person if he had immersed himself around balanced, human people. I can't help but think that if his religion had, at the very least, encouraged him to deal with personal issues, he would have been a happier person. Instead, its all about completely occupying all yours and your families life with fulfilling the demands and bullshit requirements of the cult and paying no heed to the real issues and happiness in your life.
Yes people are imperfect, but what is the society doing to help?
This cult doesnt give a shit about its members happiness.