What I find discouraging is that even the people who have left the WT
Still cling to the false doctrines the WT teaches.
The people here on this site, are terrified to think
of themselves as part of the Body of Christ,
or annointed, and they persist in the idea the
communion/ eucharist/ partaking of the bread and wine, is
restricted to 144000.
Even though the number is symbolic 12 X12 tribes, spiritual Israel,
picturing the Grace of God on all mankind,
Jews and Gentiles, as one flock.
Even these people, on this forum, who have left the WT
cannot grasp the idea that Jesus Christ offers them
union with Himself, to dwell in them and to be
one with Him.
The WT has completley separated them from Christ,
with its doctrines of "classes" , heavenly class, earthly class,
faithful and discreet slave class, they are cut off from Christ and
this is the greatest evil this Watchtower Society
"discreet slave/governing body" does to people's hearts and minds.
They destroy the hope Jesus Christ died to bring to them.