There are really TWO Watchtower Societies

by Terry 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Terry: They are malevolent, devious, intellectually dishonest manipulators hellbent on deflection and domination at whatever means is necessary.

    Nikolaus :It appears they've succeeded. For more than half a century they've maintained a dominant influence on your state of mind.


    I know a woman who was raped by her father when she was young.

    She did not understand it at the time. It was, as she explains it, a combination of knowing something was not right---and having the "good" feelings of the body at the same time.

    As she grew older and came to awareness about what had actually happened--the destruction to her well-being began eating away at her.

    She sought therapy, counseling, groups, reading, pills.......anything to MAKE SENSE out of what had happened.

    She spent years and years trying to fit a context meaningful and reasonable upon the experience.

    Finally, she grieved, vented, mourned and cycled through countless variants on emotions of every color.

    In our conversations I came to realize she felt GUILT but could not figure out why she should feel anything but victimhood.

    She told me, "I have no place to process and deal with the (for want of a better word) GOOD feelings of being held and "loved" by my parent."

    That is tough to listen to and it was tough for her to say out loud.

    Why do I bring it up?

    In regard to your observation above which I have quoted---I want to say to you: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

    I trusted people who were supposedly my "brothers and sisters". I trust my Heavenly "Father". I was told I was "loved".

    I tried to be "good" and obedient to a higher authority. So much of that feeling at the time was "a good feeling" of doing something positive.

    In prison, an inmate grabbed me from behind and was determined to rape me. He was bigger, stronger and clever about it, too.

    I can identify with the lady I was telling you about. How can I make sense of it without so many crazy and mixed-up emotions chasing each other like bugs under a street light?

    I've spent the last 20 years going over every jot and tiddle of my Jehovah's Witness life and experience.

    I've examined every molecule under the microscope of rational thinking, logic, psychology and self-examination.

    I've read volumes. I've had conversations, arguments, participated in discussions and debates.

    But--nothing.....none of it---comes close to helping me PUT IT TO REST IN MY HEART, my MIND or my "soul"!!

    If that confuses you---well, lucky you. I can't help you out.

  • Nickolas

    No, not confused, Terry, and I expect nothing beyond an exchange of perspectives. Playing the same wretched scenes over and over again in one's head only perpetuates them. Happiness for oneself and those he loves is the only truly worthwhile objective of life. Victimology and happiness are antithetical. If you want to be happy there are things in life you will have to let go of.

  • rubadubdub

    Terry wrote: There are TWO Watchtower Societies. The first one is BRAIN DEAD conformists doing whatever is commanded. They comply automatically. They make no waves. The second one Cognitive Dissonant thinkers whose brain cells are still active. They "notice" little things. It troubles them but they make excuses. When a "critical mass" of doubts has a head on collision with a PERSONAL problem inside the congregation the cat is out of the bag! Bingo! 42 years of my life in a nutshell!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Terry, You have written over 14,500 posts. Possibly you have, completely, discussed this:

    Is it possible to make a Group Action Lawsuit against the WTS, in reference to the "secret" part of the conversation, of what you were to tell the Judge and what you were to conveniently, (for the Watch Tower) told, to leave out?

    Just Lois

  • Kensho


    Throw the monkey a banana and ignore him!

    You are one of the most prolific writers on JWN and your experiences and WTBS knowledge have helped me tremendously.

    He must have never been a JW or at lest not one who spent the bulk of his life in as many others here, because every ex-lifer knows you can leave the org and have a somewhat "normal" life but the Org never leaves you.

    Terry keep up the good work, and know what you do matters to many. (especially the stuck-ins )

    Just Saying


  • sd-7
    When a "critical mass" of doubts has a head on collision with a PERSONAL problem inside the congregation the cat is out of the bag!
    The time comes for a clash between the rational and the submissive.

    You hit it right on the head there, Terry. I totally identify. I was always disappointed that few people were even able to discuss anything deep relating to the doctrine. To be honest, I don't think I ever really discussed any of the deeper stuff with anyone. I read the literature with interest, but definitely the doubts built up and I consciously swept them under the rug, and then a personal problem brought it all flying back to memory, along with a particular realization: there were people the Society was afraid of, so afraid that they didn't want JWs to even talk to those people. Why? And there it was. So true, man. What a great thread. --sd-7

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Heathen said: I never did agree with alternative service myself

    ADCMS: heathen you are entitled to your opinions. However, congratulations! You think just like the WT- you think your opinions should be law for everyone else, too.

    Whether or not you agree with Alternative Service is irrelevant. If you'd rather go to prison for several years, then carry the label of "felon" the rest of your life instead of working in a hospital, fine- go for it! I'm sure any reasons you offer why that makes sense would be just as moronic as the Watchtower's.

    The fact that the WT flip-flopped on this issue shows they couldn't understand when to stay out of other people's conscience in the first place, and they were wrong in their original 'law' and had to reverse it.

    Heathen also said: All I can say is that in revelation all those that obey the command of , Thou Shalt not kill, are sent to prison , not to alternative service

    ADCMS: Really? your Bible actually says that? Tell me which translation you are reading. I would like to look that verse up myself. I would add, if you want to read about some of the most prolific killers in literature, read the rest of your Bible. They committed genocide, mass murder and one-on-one murder on an epic scale- all for god. So, your idiotic statement falls short on yet another level.

    Additionally, heathen, you continue to miss the point of Terry's story and the articles I quoted: it was completely unnecessary for Terry to go to prison in the first place. Had the WT not enacted those ridiculous policies Re: banning Alternative Service, he could've continued doing meaningful work in a civilian capacity, avoided prison, and still remain completely within the bounds of his Christian conscience and scriptural principles.

    Maybe if you would take a few moments to step out of your own caustic, self-aggrandizing ego you'd be able to see that.

  • Slavenomore

    Your experience that you relay is incredible and the observation about two wt society's is so true, I never thought about it those terms. I could probably count on 1 hand those that fit into group 2 in the 5 congos in our valley, and still have a few fingers to spare. I went from group 2 to group one in about 4 years, which I think is the result of all the meetings...basically group 1 training.

  • Terry

    Playing the same wretched scenes over and over again in one's head only perpetuates them. Happiness for oneself and those he loves is the only truly worthwhile objective of life. Victimology and happiness are antithetical. If you want to be happy there are things in life you will have to let go of.

    I'm glad life is so simple.

    I have a dear friend who is 81 years old. He is an ex-Baptist preacher who had his leg amputated in 2003 after a car wreck.

    He wears a prosthetic.

    He tells me that every once and awhile the leg that isn't there any more starts itching and there is nothing he can do about it since

    there is literally "nothing" to scratch.

    I'll explain to him your advice: If you want to be happy there are things in life you will have to let go of.


  • Finkelstein

    Still this day I'm amazed how people can get so sucked in the WTS. teachings and not think that anything is miscue to its actuality and truthfulness.

    People like Russell and Rutherford must be laughing in their grave to no end.

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