Welcome, Cha Ching!
There are really TWO Watchtower Societies
by Terry 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The light bursts through the darkened window pane whenever somebody such as Cha Ching posts!
There are so many intelligent and alert minds awakening to the layers of fog surrounding Watchtower nonsense.
The writing in the magazines and publications is turgid, opaque and numbing for the simple reason THEY AREN'T REVEALING anything; they are COVERING THEIR TRAIL as they go.
Double talk isn't "food" and they aren't providing nourishment so much as they are cramming something down people's throats forcibly.
Welcome, Cha Ching. I hope you can decompress, unfurl your wings and feel the fresh air as it lifts you above the depressing slave camp at the local Kingdom Hall!
The way to defeat bad ideas is with better ideas.
The religion of JW's doesn't work. It is broken but cannot be fixed due to lack of honest effort.
Being unable to ever ADMIT to being wrong the last decades have been devoted to CYA at headquarters.
They've had more adjustments than a chiropractic clinic!
Which one of the older GB wished they could start all over, was it Barr?
cha ching
Hey, thank YOU for all of your efforts, all of you.
Because the Society is so frustrating to people, it is great to do the 'instant search' here, and find just about anything you want to research, the hard work has already been done. Thx, thx so much!
The Society never has to "pay up," they are always getting the "get out of jail free card." We have been reading things for a while, and being able to explain "cognitive dissonance," and hearing others express their feelings is like getting out of the "psycho ward," and being able to speak to real, live, people, haha!
I have spoken to a few "closer" friends... amazing.... surprising...
I asked a few questions... my fave is about Sodom & Gomorrah... "they will forever be destroyed," "they will be resurrected, and given a chance," "they will be destroyed forever."
I told my friend about my experience of studying with a woman, reading the "paragraph." asking "will S & G be resurrected?" --at THAT time it was "yes"-- and the 'study' said "no, it says it right here in the scripture," and all I could say was ... "look at the paragraph... what does it say?"
.... I felt so bad, I hated it... I had no OTHER explanation other than "the paragraph." I am the person that always wants the reason... but I had none... Why hadn't my "faithful and discreet slave" given me the "proper food at the proper time?" Just a few weeks later the teaching changed. Now I had to face her. How sad, how can that be? I was disappointed in myself.
Now I see how why the Society's fave word is "evidentally." Quite a "get out of jail free card," eh?
I asked my friend, "If the society is 'led by the spirit,' why is the spirit telling us something is true, then false, then switching back? That is not the light getting brighter, that is like Jesus is turning the light switch off, on, off, on."
She started shaking... literally. She said I was scaring her. Her, the pioneer, the wife of an elder, a person who has to answer questions from 'worldly non-believers' each day. This was nothing like "the trinity." Just a simple, "why was that doctrine's changing being described as 'light getting brighter'?"
She couldn't answer, told me to talk to an elder. I replied that we should be able to ask questions, Paul said to keep testing as to whether you were in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5) 5 Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith, keep proving what YOU yourselves are. . .
and (Galatians 1:8) 8 However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to YOU as good news something beyond what we declared to YOU as good news, let him be accursed.. . .
Now, if you can challenge Paul or an Angel, you should be able to challenge the Society... right?
Even Jesus let Stephen challenge his resurrection, tho he had seen miracles, experienced holy spirit. Stephen got to ask Jesus to put his fingers in the holes from the stake, and I can't ask about Sodom and Gomorrah?
Jesus obliged him. No problem. People that imitate Jesus should be willing to do the same. Stephen was not D.F'd. Jesus was nice to Stephen, and made some holes.
Nope... didn't matter.... All those scriptures, all those illustrations didn't matter.
That is what I have learned... You need to make people answer the questions themselves...
I expected my close friends of many years to stop and think, and at least.... give me reasons.
cha ching, cha ching, you ain't gettin' my bling!
cha ching
PS, thank you "Lost" & Ding & Terry for your "Welcoming Welcomes"
I recently watched a video on YouTube where an evangelical actually kicked some JW butt in an informal debate about the Trinity.
And then...I wondered something.
Wouldn't you think Jehovah's Witnesses would be champing at the bit trying to set up public debates everywhere?
I mean---they are absolutely convinced they are the only ones with THE TRUTH.
They can flip those onion skin bible pages faster than Superman can spit. It should seem like a no-brainer--right?
But, JW's are DISCOURAGED from engaging in debates.
There is an awareness and a fear among them. Why? Too much information is "out there" for anybody to investigate.
No secrets remain hidden!
They would be on the defensive every second of the debate and end up embarassed and defeated.
That awareness drives the JW's into their "double life": a real life outside the watchfull eye of the Tower and the pious pretend-fest in the Kingdom Hall.
Concerning how a non-religious young man (me) got involved with Jehovah's Witnesses, attended meetings, had the token "Bible" study,
baptism and then--my facing the Draft Board, FBI, prison....
A scathing examination of JW's vs Hitler....
I'm getting this book for my husband who is about your age. He managed to get a deferment based on becoming a father. The FBI agents were trying to help us. We explained that he was being forced to do this and he had no choice . The prison the jws would put him in was worse b/c we would lose our community.
He was just saying the other day that wts really messed up our lives as here he was at retirement age and he could have had VA benefits. My father served 2 prison terms during ww2 due to extreme nationalism in our part of the country. he had a break-down in prison and was shunned while in prison . He never recovered . He was viewed by folks down here as a traitor for not serving his country and he had a prison record. I was born into this mess. So yes, what the wts did at that time has affected many people's lives, mine and my family.