A few days ago, there was renewed interest in a 12-year-old thread which, among other points, argued the Watchtower's days were numbered. Several current posters expressed the view that the WTS has not been impacted by any "critical mass" and that it speaks to the immunity of the Watchtower to any such "critical mass" event.
I thought the topic warranted a renewal for wider consideration - with the "benefit" of "12-years" hindsight - so have duplicated one of my responses:
I guess one of the main things this 12-year-old post highlights is the folly of making predictions that the end is near - whether it be the end of the world or the end of the Watchtower. I tired long ago of threads that predicted such-and-such-an-event would shake the organization to its core. Look at the threads started over the Australian Mr Unthank's fervid attempts to bring the Watchtower to its apologetic knees in Court. How many posters whipped up frenzied views about the significance about that non-event on this forum? I will credit Mr Unthank with not directly posting on this forum; mind you, he hasn't had to given how readily others have posted developments for us.
Breathless sensationalizing comes and goes on this forum almost as reliably as it does at Watchtower conventions. meanwhile, the Watchtower maintains an unblinking stand and (some of) Mr Unthank's comments take on an increasingly protracted story about being persecuted by the Watchtower. Um, no you're not, Mr Unthank. It's just turned out far differently from how you wanted it to. Bor-ing.
That said, many here on this forum have often said that the Watchtower will not end by mass exodus but more by petering out. My mantra has often been, the Watchtower's biggest enemy is not apostasy but apathy.
For several years, the number of baptisms has shrunk to well under a half of what they once were - and in some countries barely reach one-third of previous highs.
Of interest, in 2012, memorial attendances worldwide were down by more than 200,000 over 2011. It remains to be seen whether this "dip" has continued in the present year.
Be that as it may, I would never expect the organization to "suddenly" hemorrhage active membership; it's more likely to be mundane and gradual, like older ones persevering in the door-to-door work whilst younger ones get caught up in having to be in paid employment weekends and the preaching work gets second place. Or - a frequently observed fact in this forum - the aging bodies of elders in local congregations with fewer suitable younger brothers to step into their shoes.
For years to come, the organization will cash in on 'splash and dash' events such as special months for auxiliary pioneering - but as with all such 'look-at-how-zealous-I-am' events, the capacity the organization once had to sustain growth in the West is long gone.
Don't expect a bang but do listen for a spluttering sound in the years to come.