'1600 years of Ice melting in 25 years is a bad omen'

by designs 165 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    Glaciologists from Ohio State University have been studying the ice fields in Peru. Tropical Peru is home to ice formations 18,000 feet up in the Quelccaya region, the largest of these tropical region ice sheets.

    The glacier is melting so quickly that plant samples are having to be frozen artifically so that scientists 30 years from now can have something to study, Lonnie Thompson from the University said in the interview. The ice field is the smallest it has been since the last ice age.

    Peruvians rely on the water from the glaciers, which will be reduced by 50% in their lifetime. Peru is investing $500 million in a tunnel through the Andes mountains to tap the Amazon water shed.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    nonsense. More liberal rubbish.

  • Satanus

    Stuff i have read, both on warming and the onsets of ice ages suggest that once they get rolling, they come on rather quickly, like in a century or 2.


  • ohiocowboy

    Designs, do you have a source for the post, or is it of your own? If you have a source, I'd be happy to read more about it.

    Earth has gone through changes for billions of years, some changes are severe and quick, others are barely noticeable and slow. IMO this is just another cycle that very well could be "Normal". In general, These changes will/would happen whether we are here or not.

  • LostGeneration
  • designs

    Ohiocowboy- the article appeared in yahoo-news today. Yes the earth has gone through many ice ages and heavy volcanic periods where the earth was hotter than now. The samples taken, and some of these field studies have been going on for decades, will reveal whether pollutants from our industrial age are contributing to the ice fields melting this time.

    TS- I know, darn those commie professors going up into the Andes with hair dryers and causing global warming

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    lol designs.

  • ohiocowboy

    Thanks for the clue about where to search for the article. Took a bit to find, but here's the link to the news article you quoted from in case anyone else is interested. In addition, the New York times wrote a slightly more in depth article, which I also posted the link to.

    Here's the Yahoo link:


    And here's the NYT article:


  • LouBelle

    ohiocowboy - I agree with you, the earth has gone through so many cycles and will continue to do so whether or not mankind aids it along it's way - we've just got to realise that and when it comes a few will survive and continue on. It the circle of life.

  • mP

    Yes global warming is here, thats why there have been record freezing winters not once but a few winters in the northern hemisphere for a few years now. My theory is global warming is the new con on the masses, in the old days they convinced you in other ways like religion or god says this. Naturally playing to the masses scientific mind is a winner because everyone knows science right and has seen and verified the facts, just like the bible.

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