Noted on this thread that many denier arguments are morphing from "its not happening" towards "we can't stop it":
"Its a natural cycle"
"We humans are too puny to affect climate"
"China needs to stop it"
etc. From my 6 years worth of posting on this subject people progress (or not) down the following path:
1 - its not happening
2 - it is happening, but it's not us causing it
3 - it is happening, it is us causing it, its a good thing
4 - it is happening, it is us causing it, its not as bad as they predict
5 - it is happening, it us causing it, its as bad as they predict, but we can't do anything about it
The following topics are rarely addressed:
1 - Why human originated CO2 emmissions are not causing warming, if it is accepted that CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
2 - Why any poster denying the consensus is better qualified than the 98% of climate scientists who agree with the majority opinion that human caused climate change is a fact, similar to evolution and gravity. (putting the deniers in the Flat Earth Club)
3 - The role of deep ocean warming and its relative importance to land surface temperature (may as well throw in some discussion on ocean acidification as well)