The official list of things for which you may be disfellowshipped

by slimboyfat 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82
    How many is "numerous"?
    Isn't "one" a number?

    Oh triggered a horrific flashback....

    I once sat through an elders meeting where for nearly 2 hours we debated on the meaning of "perhaps several years" in a letter from the Society to our BOE.

    "Several means more than 1" "Well it's been 1-1/2 years - isn't that more than 1?" "Oh no, several must mean at least 2" "No no no, several would have to be 3 or more - 2 would be a couple" "well now wait it minute, it says perhaps, so maybe it's less than 2" .....

    And on.....and on......AND ON

  • Oubliette

    #45: Displaying greed and extortion in negotiating a bride price

    So apparently it's OK to negotiate a bride price as long as one doesn't get all "greedy" about it.

  • Oubliette

    #30: Openly questioning organizational arrangements

    OK, FINALLY! This is what it's really all about. The unforgiveable sin: questioning organizational arrangements. But then what about this:

    #10: Persistently contradicting the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Shouldn't the Governing Body be DF'd then? They're constantly contradicting themselves!!!

  • Oubliette

    sir82, sorry to trigger the flashbacks.

    I have them too if it's any consolation!

    It's amazing how the arbitrary and vague nature of these "organizational arrangements" actually contribute to many of the problems in the religion. But you better not question them, that'll get you into trouble too. (See #30 above).

  • Mum

    Obviously, there are exceptions. Some sinners are more deserving of DFing than others, i.e., those the elders don't like.

    "Thou shalt not question organizational arrangements." Peteronomy 66:6

  • moshe

    How about, growing houseplants for medicinal usage-

  • ShirleyW

    What bogus list !

    Where's the disclaimer at the end saying "rules mentioned above to do not apply to elders and their clhildren and/or family?"

  • BluesBrother

    I once sat at an elders meeting when we debated whether the "fondling of breasts" applied whether you were inside or outside her clothes ! If only the rest of the cong. could have listened in, they might have seen how bizarre this org. is is... BTW the girl in question was the daughter of one of us! I don't know how he sat there.....

    A friend of mine once was d/f'd for "Causing dissention in the cong.." That might be covered under 40 and 41, but not exaxctly.

    As for voting......Nobody seems to know these days. I once raised it on JWTalk when the topic came up. There was a lively discussion as to whether it was or was not a d/ass matter. When I had a discussion with a local elder a while back I asked him, if the matter had been clarified to the elders. He did not know......(typical!)

    As for porn.....the list is correct, I wonder though how this is applied? Do they all have to look and debate whether is bad enough to form a J C? What if cong A thinks it is, but cong B might have thought not ????? There must be inconsistancies.

  • SophieG

    I just want to make sure...Did I miss the celebration of birthdays? or is it tied up in the religious celebration part.

    I only ask because I WANT MY CAKE! and I don't feel like sneaking around and eating it!!!

  • sir82

    I think birthdays fall under the "don't ask don't tell" category, like oral sex for married couples.

    If you don't make a big honking deal out of it and tell everyone about it on your facebook page, they won't do anything.

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