At what point do you believe the soul is made / inserted? In which of the gametes is the soul or the information for the soul stored, sperm or ovum. Is it inserted at fertilisation, some other point during embryogenesis or is it during fetal development? Why can't we observe the difference in development between Homo sapiens and closely related species such as Pan troglodytes at the point when the soul is inserted or see a difference in the genome that relates to the gene sequence for "soul"?
Questions for Believers about the Soul
by cantleave 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
good question!
I suspect all sentient beings have "souls" or a spirit--and that God is the Father of the spirit in each of us. Origen believed everyone had a preexistence and we fell before Time. Did we? I'm not sure. There is much I don't know and don't have the answers to. You could say I'm 'agnostic' on certain questions and not anxious to make strong assertions.
According to official teaching, the soul is the life, so your question is 'at what point is life created?'
If upon fertilization the egg starts growing, it is arguable that is the moment life begins.
Ahh splash, good catch. That does indeed answer the question in relation to JW believers, but what about the billions of other believers that propose an immortal soul?
can not an ovum or sperm be kept alive when nourished or preserved by freezing and revival? so are they soulless lifeless nevertheless?
Is it not the independent life that marks the novel arrangement?
to remain a living soul is our goal.
Prologos are you saying that soul is just the living organism? If so it is redundant word.....
If you are suggesting there is something "spiritual" about your definition here's a question for you.
Plants are living organisms (therefore souls). Breeders will sometimes graft new fruit bearing twigs onto existing older plants. If some one does that what is happening to the soul? If I graft a twig from an apple tree onto an another genetically different apple tree stock does that mean there are two souls in one plant or do they become one soul?
Embryology and schools of thought...Some say at the point of conception, another at 120th day of the formation, from a insignificant drop (of fluid) to a clinging clot......itizso fascinating!
.itizso fascinating!
But not at all scientific! The concept of ensoulment tends to change depending on your religion from 40 - 120 days.
from a insignificant drop (of fluid) to a clinging clot
So where is this insignificent drop? At what point does it morph from a physical liquid to a spirit soul?
cant leave, these are too deep questions for me. There is something special about life and the specific boundries that mark viable reproductive ability.
There can be no life or its unique force with out it having passed on (now).
the word soul, psyche seems to carry the idea of a thought pattern, nerve reaction as its simplest that is passed on in part, even in plants.
does a delicious (grafensteiner) on a crab-apple tree draw from the same nutrients? does it have a distinct genetic pattern? will the bite leave a never to be forgotten taste delight in our thought/memory pattern? yes.
The more interesting question is raised by the misteltoe. or orchids. beware!
The big question is the thought patterns evident in nature's LAWS. so can there be a thought pattern without an embodyment? probably so.
will the brain-or any more primitive nerve function- based memory exist in, or exit from a dying organism?- doubtful until proven.
so: let us enhance our minds, and pass the goodnes on to our offspring.
dont miss the misteltoe moment.