Questions for Believers about the Soul

by cantleave 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    If upon fertilization the egg starts growing, it is arguable that is the moment life begins.

    Ahh splash, good catch. That does indeed answer the question in relation to JW believers,

    I'm not sure that is correct. The Watchtower has taught that aborted babies won't get a resurrection, because the do not become a living soul until they a separate from their mothers and take their first breathe.

  • Terry

    The Watchtower has taught that aborted babies won't get a resurrection, because the do not become a living soul until they a separate from their mothers and take their first breathe.

    Sigh. Isn't it amazing what an authority a group of men can become if they state their opinions with enough seriousness?

    What does the GB think is moving around in the mother's womb? An animal?

  • cantleave

    The JW theology isn't really a resurrection it is a re-creation!


    The GB do believe in an immortal soul. They just confuse the issue to further distance their followers from Christ. If you can stand it, watch the Faith in action video, volume 1. We know the WTBTS is very calculating in their writing. In the video they go out of thier way to mention the " inherent immortality of the soul." Why not just say, " immortality of the soul?" Why " inherent?" They keep using that phrase. If a Christian will never taste death, but merely stop their life in the physical realm and immediately begin a spiritual existence, " in the twinkling of an eye", then that is immortality.

    The GB just says " inherent " to hide that fact. " Yes, you can live forever, but it's not automatic. First you must serve us."

    A soul must be more than the life spark. The WTBTS likes to say life is just an impersonal force like energy from a battery. That is not true. If you have two dogs, they are two individual entities. You can't swap a life force from one to the other like changing a battery without changing the entity. You would know that Fluffy was now in FiFi's body. That is why Jesus' disciples recognized HIM, despite his PHYSICAL appearance. The soul is the entity.

    When does the soul enter the body? I have no idea.



    Sigh. Isn't it amazing what an authority a group of men can become if they state their opinions with enough seriousness?

    What does the GB think is moving around in the mother's womb? An animal? "

    Yep!! " WE LOVE THIS IDEA!"

  • EntirelyPossible

    This man has soul:

    This man has NO soul.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I have been out of the tower since 83.

    I call myself an agnostic.

    I'm not classified a believer. I'll call my self a seeker, a searcher, a pilgrim trying to find my way home.

    I would like to think there is more to life than what we can observe under a microscope or a test tube.

    But it is what it is and it will be what it will be.

    My answer to the topic question at what point is the soul made/ inserted?

    I would say is when the individual decides to have a soul.

    When the individual tunes in. Either you tune in and drop in or tune in and drop out.

    A person can decide to have a soul or not have a soul.

    A soul needs nurturing and care and it will blossom.

    If you neglect your soul it dies and you can see it in the eyes and demeanor of the soulless.

    Our bodies are devices that interface with the spirit world and the life force the soul.

    Our bodies are receivers.

    Just like you have to turn a radio or tv on you have to turn your soul reciever on to your higher power.


    EP, that is awesome.

    How about identical twins? Physically identical, but two completely different souls.

    You cannot separate the soul/entity. If God made a body and re-created a YOU, it would be a clone. It would not be you. Your consciousness must survive after your physical death, even if it is asleep in some fashion. It cannot die or you will not be YOU.

  • Londo111

    Suddenly I have a hankering for doublemint gum...

  • prologos

    if God is a "God of the living", where are the "departed" alive, in his memory?, his book of life ?, a data bank?

    very important personality issues are resolved during our sleep.

    the good thing is that we might get answers later as indicated by this sign in FL business:

    Is there life after death?-

    try to hold up this place and

    find out.

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