Questions for Believers about the Soul

by cantleave 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth4

    Insignificant drop is the male sperm. At what point does it morph...Don't know....Forget religion!!! the science and maybe we will know...

  • cantleave

    Prologos, Parasitic plants are truly fascinating. One of my favourites is the sandalwood.

  • Terry

    Well, stop and think....

    If the bible is THE source of Truth why is it the pagan's taught immortality of the soul? Who spilled the beans to idol worshippers?

    What tipped Plato to the idea? Why is he so much more definite than the Old Testament?

    If there were evidence there would be no need to take "soul" as matter of faith.

    If life as humanity began with Adam and he was created as a LIVING SOUL...where did Eve's sould find its origin?

    Is there a warehouse of souls somewhere waiting for human bodies?

    Earth's population is constantly expanding past 4 Billion. Where are those souls coming from?

    If you are a spirit inhabiting flesh like dwelling in a tent how is it a brain injury can change your personality? Why would your soul be affected?

    Animals have no souls? Why is that easier to accept than the idea that humans DO possess them?

    Why don't we contemplate the utter frivolity of fleshly humanity as a problem for God when it is really the Soul that presents the real problem?

    Could it be that all of it is just an opinion devoid of factual support?

  • Satanus

    Its not clear to me. Possibly, there are two tiers in the body: the inborn life that is within each cell. That is the basic life that is carried by sperms and eggs, and continues after fusion of the sperm and egg. Then, perhaps, there an overarching spirit that settles in, at some point. Possibly, they mesh, become one for the duration, and separate again when the body is in the process of dying.


  • smiddy

    My understanding of Adams creation is this :When God formed Adam from the dust of the ground he was a lifeless body (you could arguably state he was a dead soul ) then God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living soul.

    just my 2 cents worth

    Then of course the bible states that the soul that is sinning will die , hence a physical body and the breath of life (from God ) constitutes a living soul ,take away that breath of life and one becomes a dead soul.

    thats another 2 cents worth


  • notsurewheretogo

    Or there is no soul and we are what we are...physical beings...and when we die that is it...

  • cantleave

    notsurewheretogo - yep, that's about it!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    God attaches a soul to your pineal gland when you are a child.


  • cantleave

    Next you will be telling me that the Pineal gland is an unawakened third eye and can give me the ability to levitate....

  • Phizzy

    Good thread Cantleave ! The JW's say they do not believe in the immortal soul, and yet the believe in the resurrection of........ what ? Really they believe in "Soul Sleep".

    I had it said to me once that a human did not have a soul until they took their first breath, God puts the soul in then, like he did with Adam.

    At the time I couldn't quite see what was wrong with the argument, but it occured to me that before the first breath was taken, a baby has life, and if you believe Bart Simpson's ultrasound image, a personality, (he is "mooning" in the womb!) so that explanation doesn't work about the first breath.

    If it is put in earlier though, that begs the questions above.

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