Progressive libertarian.
Are YOU More Of A "Liberal", "Conservative" or Something More In Between?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Liberal. No question.
Band on the Run
I was a moderate Democrat. Growing up, there were many powerful GOP candidates with better voting records on labor and civil rights that I could have voted for against the Democratic candidate. Sadly, by the time I could vote, they were not so powerful. Southern Dems fled the Democratic Party and became right wing Republicans. A Southern Dem was far more reactionary than most GOP candidates. When Viet Nam became "hot," I was radicalized so much over the years that I was on the Left. The New Left.
I was angrier with Hubert Humphrey and LBJ than I was with Republicans. The 1964 and 1968 Democratic conventions further radicalized me. All I cared about was acquiring power for my interests. Law school co-opted me. Ideology was a side issue. Concrete political results became more important to me. (I worked so hard in primaries and we never won). Now I am a blue dog Democrat with an edge. I do not fit in with regular Democrats.
Besides a political discussion, I was very socialized to a more sophisticated Chinese menu approach to politics. Now I am not impressed by any politican nor do I trust anyone. I form termporary alliances that only last so long as they deliver what I want.
I no longer see business itself as evil.
Social Issues- Liberal.
All others except for Gun Control- Case by case basis.
Gun Control- Hyper Conservative.