United Nations will attack Christendom Because ?
It is the "disgusting thing" ??? Why is it "digusting" ??
Because its "standing in the Holy Place" ??
That means it claims to represent God.
The UN does not claim to channel God
the WT Society GB does that.
The Holy Place is pictured by the
Holy of Holies, or heaven,the place in the Temple
where only the High Priest could enter.
The High Priest was replaced by Jesus Christ. We all know this.
Jesus became the One Mediator between man and God.
When anyone claims to be a "Mediator",
or sole channel of communication
between man and God, they are;
"Standing in the Holy Place"
And WHO claims that ??
The Watchtower governing body claims to be the
sole channel of communication between man and God,
THEY are therefore the "disgusting thing" standing in the Holy Place,
because they circumvent Jesus. by their claim to be the channel of communication.
No-one can be a "sole channel of communication between man and God"
except Jesus Christ. Calling yourself "the faithful and discreet slave"
does not make it so.
This is the basic underlying premise of the WT Society.
The foundation of the Watchtower,
this teaching is blasphemy a"disgusting thing"
therefore nothing they preach or write has any validity at all.