Yup, read the rest of Juan Viego's explanation and the deconstruction of it all that followed.
An AAWA member participated in and sanctioned the force-adding (she was confronted over force-adding 1,000 people long before said "bogus" person came onto the scene on 4/7, according to Juan). She was confronted days earlier and pooh-poohed everybody's concerns in her capacity as an AAWA representative; AAWA and its board members stood behind her and did not address the concerns at that time.
The "bogus" page was "bogus" only in that they enthusiastically used the AAWA logo as their profile picture to show support. They did not pretend to be AAWA, they did not force-add people to a fake AAWA page. This was the owner of another FB page, but he also was a member of the AAWA group. He was NOT force-adding people to his group, but to the AAWA group, just as AAWA members/volunteers had been doing for several days already. AAWA should never have allowed members of their group the ability to force-add. But they did. In fact, their representative ENCOURAGED it openly on their page, saying that "PM-ing 1,000 people to invite them to join was too much work"...so then this guy does it, and now they're trying to throw him under the bus for following their example?
In any event, now that they are aware, all they have to do is remove the people that were force-added and then privately invite them to join properly. It's very easy to do. But they REFUSE to do it. Because they want to be able to brag that they have over 1,000 "members". But they don't. Those 1,000 people did not consent to sign on to their cause, and have been placed at risk.
Juan Viejo also admitted that WT apologists/moles were force-added, along with people who had no interest in or history of JW activism. So faders or those still married to JW spouses continue to be at risk of being outed, and it's been well established that many or most of these people had absolutely no idea they were force-added, because FB doesn't send you an email notification when somebody force-adds you to a group. Many now have come out of the woodwork who had no idea for a week that they were force-added, until they read about this disaster on JWN.