Angry at God? No. Angry at the humans who use books of supersition written 2 or 3 millenia ago to manipulate and control the lives of others in the present time. Isn't it obvious to you Christ alone that the god of the Bible is a god that belongs to the time when "his" book was written? The entire morality belongs to that era. Today, that morality is completely anachronistic and therefore that book is too. The only way to keep it up to date is creating all kinds of convoluted theodicies.
The true story of the Bible regarding God's view of Genocide
by Christ Alone 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
still thinking
Yes, I already know the atheist's anger towards God..Christ alone
WRONG.......not even going to bother reading the rest of what you wrote since you can't even get the basics correct.
It would appear you don't KNOW shit.
Christ Alone I have found a few of my exchanges with you on this forum helpful and have led to my having a better understanding of your Biblical views and I've admired your faith.
However, in this instance I must say I am genuinely surprised you have wrongly concluded that those of us who have closely read the Bible over many years do not know the context within which Biblical acts of genocide occurred.
Am I angry at "God"? You would know I cannot be angry at a being or entity I do not believe in.
Am I angry at the influence of the primitive writings of nomadic tribes and nations who lived thousands of years ago? Again, no; they lived according to the more brutish-survival type needs of that time.
Am I angry at modern peoples - especially seemingly well-educated religious spokespeople - who champion the very writings of the nomadic and tribal writers and, who from a 21st century standpoint, try to sanitize the Bible's bloody and violent genocidal and slave-ownership messages? Yes I am angry and unapologetically so.
To commit genocide is one heinous thing; to "justify" it in order to protect the "Holiness" of books that promote it, in my view is another heinous act.
In my "book" both the carrying out of genocidal acts and sanitizing these acts through Divine explanations are worthy of not just anger - but also of informed and unadorned scorn.
Really? We've met? We've talked? You are able to make a snap judgment? Sounds like you may have gotten worked up, and want to prove you are "bigger" than me
I like this. You say this, but in your OP you said I was wrong, angry, wouldn't put time into this, already had my mind made up and then tried to say what I believed.
Oh, and I DID watch the videos. The first argument in the first video is bunk. Just because God says it, then it becomes moral BUT he also gives the argument that Abraham successfully argues with God to be nicer? Wrong, you can't have your cake and eat it to. The arguments are a fail.
Next time, try to make your own argument without blindly insulting others.
yadda yadda 2
What Steve said:
To commit genocide is one heinous thing; to "justify" it in order to protect the "Holiness" of books that promote it, in my view is another heinous act.
In my "book" both the carrying out of genocidal acts and sanitizing these acts through Divine explanations are worthy of not just anger - but also of informed and unadorned scorn.
yadda yadda 2
Although I don't agree with every point in the article linked below, I find the logic to be irrefutable:
Thanks for posting these. I 've watched the 'context!!!' first and half of number four. Hope to watch them later.
So you pick the name Christ Alone and them start this thread like you did. And you expect to come across as not being biased?
CA - As I said I am already familiar with the arguments of these 3 apologists. However I don't want you to be able to take any comfort in the lie that I or others won't engage with them so I have began listening to the videos you posted above.
Just for the record I think it is lame that you post videos without making any effort to summarise the main arguments in your own words or explanation of why you think they are compelling.
Bill Craig's attempt in the first video to excuse god of genocide and the murder of thousands of women and children is a complete failure. Since he must have read the OT many times I can only conclude he is "lying for Jesus". He does not say anything that I and others have not refuted in the past. See my "Soldiers of Jah" thread for specifics...
Later today I hope to find time to reply to his points in detail - back to my decorating.
I like the Christians who say- God doesn't put anyone in Hell people put themselves in Hell