Do the atheists in this forum need to go on a field day on every believer's post trying to disprove everything? Are you guys really that insecure? I guess there are some manner of truth in warnings of the watchtower - people who come here really are in danger of getting their faiths wrecked! there's no respect of beliefs whatsoever. very very toxic.
The true story of the Bible regarding God's view of Genocide
by Christ Alone 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
if your faith can move mountains... it should hold up to criticism....
there's no respect of beliefs whatsoever. very very toxic.
When someone twists facts to suit their own underhanded agenda, I call that toxic and corrupt.
There's nothing wholesome and honest about lying, even if you wrap a religious ribbon around it.
Do the atheists in this forum need to go on a field day on every believer's post trying to disprove everything?
Of course not. That's not how science works.
Are you guys really that insecure?
No believing in things without proof is evidence of insecurity? In that case, you must be insecure for not believing that a unicorn that makes porno with invisible dragons is in orbit around Mars.
I guess there are some manner of truth in warnings of the watchtower - people who come here really are in danger of getting their faiths wrecked!
there's no respect of beliefs whatsoever. very very toxic.
Why should there be? And how is that toxic, to respect belief without evidence?
What is really toxic is people who wish to hold up the ethics of the Old Testament as being worthy of our respect.
CA and others are apologists for genocide and the slaughter of unarmed women and infants. That's toxic.
Why should there be? And how is that toxic, to respect belief without evidence?
He has revealed Himself in the Bible. In the places where the stories happened - In Israel, the cave of Macpela, Mt Sinai, Mt Olives, all this places are real. But perhaps you want to see Christ Himself coming down from Heaven just like the Jews wanted signs. If there is an all-powerful being out there, He will reveal Himself to those He want to reveal Himself to. You will not be able to force Him. HE DOES NOT OWE ANY OF US ANYTHING. He is not obliged to reveal Himself to us. If you're experiencing pain, understand that I do to, everyone does, stop feeling so special and thinking that God should have shielded you from it when everyone is suffering from it as well. We suffer from each other's actions not God's. The organization's actions, our brothers and sisters actions, other people's actions. If you want to keep blaming God, that's the easy way out.
But please do continue feeling good about knowing everything, and mocking things you aren't sure of, that were here before you existed, your existence barely making even a mark in earth's long history, ignorant of the things that happened in the past but pretending to know everything by relying on historical writings whenever it suits you. We are all grown-ups and we can believe whatever we want to believe. This will only go in circles. Have a good life to you sirs.
He has revealed Himself in the Bible.
You believe that. I don't. So what? I am asking WHY it's toxic, not why you believe without evidence with a sermon thrown in for good measure. Can you answer than question?
But please do continue feeling good about knowing everything, and mocking things you aren't sure of, that were here before you existed, your existence barely making even a mark in earth's long history, ignorant of the things that happened in the past but pretending to know everything by relying on historical writings whenever it suits you.
It always amuses me when people who profess to worship a god of love start in with the insults while getting all of their insults wrong.
So, can you answer the question of why skepticism is toxic? Otherwise, it's toxic for you to not believe in the porn-star unicorn I mentioned earlier.
This will only go in circles.
That's called religion. I simply asked a question, which you have yet to answer.
I am glad I amused you. Do have patience for those that are well below you.
I am glad I amused you. Do have patience for those that are well below you.
I have no patience for nasty people with a faux persecution complex.