If you want to keep blaming God, that's the easy way out.
As an atheist blaming god is not an option.
Kassad - how would a world in which god did not exist look any different from this one?
by Christ Alone 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
If you want to keep blaming God, that's the easy way out.
As an atheist blaming god is not an option.
Kassad - how would a world in which god did not exist look any different from this one?
For some reason, I cannot access page 2 of this thread so cannot see the posts from page 2. Page 3 is okay, though.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Yes I had that problem too.
Had to go over to Firefox to see it .
Does anyone else have this problem?
nope. Im all caught up on how toxic I am.
Oh. Thats probably why. Im on firefox
Its disappointing you cannot make arguments about athiest pov without adding unnecessary childish labels, like "angry atheists". I hope we are all interest in truth about many things. I dont need to insult anybody to demonstrate that gravity is real, its a fact we can all see. Perhaps you should be more honest and direct sensible arguments and evidence when you try and converse with others.
I notice that like all xians you often omit or twist words taken from the Bible. Im a literalist. If god wrote the Bible, then he has given it to me in the form he wishes. If he wanted to say something else, then he shoudl have written that down. Once we start accepting commentary we have left and disregarded the bible and are now listening to what someobody thinks. When having a conveersation about any subject its important that we never leave the evidence behind. It would appear that you often completely ignore the BIble because its a disgusting book with pathetic morality, something which you cannot get away from, so you dishonestly ignore it.
Yes i believe all xians are liars, and the fact that you argue about stuff and can never quote the bible verbatin is proof of this.
The truth is so simple that you dont want to see it. The bible including its racist and genocide passages are of course written by despots who want to justify their greedy ambitions. Its an insult to say this is all part of a master record that a heavenly father who loves everyone wanted to wwrite down or at one stage wished to action. Face the facts its that simple. Theres no difference betwen the wannabees and Hitler in terms of their violence and greed. Wake up and smell the coffee.
kassad- you should direct your questions at the poster who started this thread and who directed it very pointedly and purposely at athiests. While there is a lot to be said for 'living and let live', keep in mind the deliberate context of this thread. You let your faith down by oozing sarcasm, by the way. What's wrong with straightforward debate?
What's wrong with straightforward debate?
Their logic is built on a house of cards so flimsy a light breeze could knock it over. That's what :)
What's wrong with straightforward debate?
Nothing, if its done in a respectful and friendly manner. I admit I was also a bit on the wrong with the things I've said. I just kind of blacked out with how EP condescends people, so I kind of gotten back, but on reflection I realized it was wrong. We all got issues to deal with.
I just kind of blacked out with how EP condescends people, so I kind of gotten back, but on reflection I realized it was wrong.
You must be thinking of someone else. I don't condescend people, I destroy ideas and beliefs that can't stand up to questions. Ideas are not people. Beliefs are not people.