Because of my history, obviously, I've given that unequally yoked scripture serious consideration. Compatibility in regards to belief is just one dimension. There are so many other factors that make a couple "equally yoked". Ignore those other factors to your peril.
So hubby and I have different beliefs. In other areas we are compatiable, and in some things, one fits a need the other has. At a very deep level, we are suited for each other. If we had taken the "letter of the law", we would have rejected the other outright, and missed out on a great match.
I saw plenty of rushed marriages in my church for lack of options. They were patently un-suited for each other, even when they took the scriptural admonition seriously. The same thing can be said for many Witness marriages. So much misery could have been avoided. As an aside, the divorce rate for the Witnesses is the same as for the general population, beliefs notwithstanding.
Out here in the "world", couples are taking longer to get married, and the divorce rate is falling. This improvement all without the help of Paul's advice.
I was not kicked out of my church. Not every scriptural admonition is a disfellowshipping offence.
By the way, my spirituality is not harmed, and neither is my husbands. Protection? I think the over-application of that scripture ties couples up in knots.