Challenge to you prophets - can you meet it?

by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I challenge anyone that can accurately predict events by reading the Bible or your prophetic book of choice, to give me a specific date when something will happen so I can watch for it!

    Give us the date HERE (not a PM) and tell us what will happen.

    Let there be no excuses! No get out clauses of ''it doesn't work that way'' or similar.

    This is my challenge.

  • Phizzy

    Just off to check my Harry Potter books, they are without doubt prophetic, I'll get back to you.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Tomorrow, April 18 2013, the sun will rise at 6:12 AM in New York City with a maximum daily altitude of 60.4 o

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Good luck with that. Theres $1M still up for grabs for anyone proven to be capable of anything like this, ..still waiting.

  • punkofnice

    Phizzy - Harry Potter is real! Besmirch not his name I say!

    Yan Bibiyan - Aha! Is that from the book of Rolex?

  • punkofnice

    WMF - Yes indeed. This challenge will never be met!

  • wasblind

    Don't test me PUNKOFNICE, but scince you challenged I'll oblige

    I cooked a pot of Pinto beans yesterday. within 24 hours

    You'll feel the earth move
    Under your feet.
    You'll feel the sky tumblin' down, a-tumblin' down.
    You'll feel the earth move
    Under your feet.
    You'll feel the sky tumblin' down, a-tumblin' down,
    A-tumblin' down, a-tumblin' down,
    A-tumblin' down, a-tumblin' down,
    Tumblin' down.

    Do not get frighten, this must take place , it's called passin' gas______Prophetess WUZ

    Either way, you can't call me a false Prophet, cuz I never claimed this prophecy was inspired

    by Holy spirit . That's the story used by the Governing Body, and I'm stickin' to it



  • EntirelyPossible

    I put out a challenge to the prophets here to see if they could predict the color and pattern of my shirt. First they claimed they had, then they said they wouldn't, then they said it didn't work that way, then they said God wouldn't stoop that low, then they said God would take away their prophecy powers if they used them that way.

  • punkofnice

    wasblind - The prophetess Carole King? Jinkies! The pinto bean prophecy MUST BE TRUE!!!

  • wasblind

    Oh Heck , Now I'm pegged as a fart who stole from carole king

    I had hoped you were to young to remember her

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