Challenge to you prophets - can you meet it?

by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    ravens -

    punk: god will give you a new heart and you will be born again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tried that, got the T-shirt and Jesus, god, or whomsoever clearly wasn't there for me in my time of dire need. The ones that helped me were atheists and agnostics.

    fernando - Will look at the vid later. Thanks

  • unstopableravens

    punk?: of course im not able to predict the future, but i would love to you everyone come into a relationship with christ, be born again is not a belief system, its where god really makes a person go from spirtual death to being made alive! but i know what you been through and im glad ppl where there for you.

  • punkofnice

    ravens - I used to feel the way you feel. I felt so free when I left the WBT$ and got born again. It was a wonderful feeling but at the end of the day it was just a delusion. I was happy in a dream but now I've woken up.

    No. I don't want to believe that when I die that's me gone forever but at least if that's reality I'm happy to know the truth.

    No. I don't want to believe that there are often no consequenses for evil people. That's the truth though. The wicked DO prosper and there's no big sky daddy will ever step in.

    No. I didn't want to face the fact that if there is a god he doesn't care. I now face it as the reality it is...alone!! God has been less than useless and there IS no justice from a higher source. If there was then the earth would be sorted by now. If there was then everyone would understand exactly who god was and which religion to follow. To say he lets us make our own choices is daft. ''Worship me or I'll kill you....but I'm not telling you how!'' Nah. A real loving father isn't that weird. God reminds me more of Fritzel!

    I know you're a good bloke Ravens. Follow your path. Don't be surprised if god evaporates and you end up like me.

  • Mary

    OK, here's one: I predict that on the morning of July 16, 2013, that thousands of Witlesses will all be gathered together under one roof where they will sing, clap their hands off throughout the day, slap their kids, eat and sleep in their seats. At exactly 5:00pm, they will all disperse only to repeat the same routine the next morning.

    Okay, where's my million dollars?

  • punkofnice

    Mary -

    Okay, where's my million dollars?

    Ooops. We gave it to 8 men in Brooklyn who wanted to 'borrow' it for something. Something to do with Peter File's claw suits? Poor flutes? God told us to lend it to them.........well, he used them to tell us!

  • notsurewheretogo

    I predict 8 older men (well maybe 7 and one youngish man) living in luxury in Brooklyn will NOT go out on service midweek...instead they will gather around a table (with cosy luxury seats remember!) and talk giberish.

    This will occur every week...

  • punkofnice

    notsure - ....and I predict these same men are part of a paedophile ring and will ensure their own safety by get out clauses in the 'flock' book.

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