Challenge to you prophets - can you meet it?

by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    wasblind - I've just celebrated my 55th B/day

  • Larsinger58

    Right now, the Bible predicts no dates. The dates of the 1st and 2nd coming, the Holocaust, the return from exile in 1947 and the date of the Exodus are all connected though! So you're out of luck for an upcoming predictable event by specific date. But let's say this was 1944. I could predict the year of the end of the Jewish exile by a specific date of the Exodus which is confirmed by an eclipse.

    The KTU 1.78 dates year 12 of Akhenaten to 1375 BCE. That means his first year would fall in 1386 BCE, which would be the year of the Exodus. After Akhenaten experienced the 10 plagues he started worshipping Yahweh and convrerted to monotheism. But the Exodus date is a jubilee date, the first of a series that would end when the Jews were retored to their homeland to celebrate the 70th jubilee. So we can use 1386 BCE to calculate and thus predict when the Jews would be forgiven and restored to their homeland for the final and 70th jubilee.

    All you do is go back in time 49 years from 1386 BCE to 1435 BCE, which begin the 70 weeks of jubilees. 70 jubilees of 49 years each id 3430 years.

    70 x 49 = 3430

    Subtract 1435 from 3430 and you get 1995. Add one to make up for no zero year in the Roman calendar and you get 1996! 1996 ends the period of 70 jubilees. So the beginning of the 70th jubilee would be 49 years earlier and thus in 1947.

    1996 - 49 = 1947

    So if you understood this in 1944, you would know that in 1947 the Jews would come out of exile and have their homeland returned. Sure enough, on November 30, 1947 the UN Partition Agreement went into effect and the Jews were accorded their homeland back. A few months later in the Spring of 1948, the State of Israel was set up, and they have been doing fine ever since.

    But 1947 also ends the 1290 days and so we can use that date to also predict the year of the sescond coming which fulfills the 1335 days (Daniel 12:12). Based on that, the messiah should have returned and be back in a physical body sometime between November 30, 1992 and November 30, 1993. Now, "nobody knows the DAY nor HOUR" but the year is provided by Bible chronology! So you could say, an ancient eclipse seen in Ugarit is connected to the date of the second coming if you understand and apply Bible chronology correctly.

    The 70 jubilees was once a focus of the WTS but they miscalculated. They thought the 70 jubilees was 3500 years, that is, 70 x 50, but it really is 70 x 49. They came up with the date of 1925 based on this, but recanted later when they realized this was in no way a logical date for the time when the Israelites entered the Promised Land. But just because they got that wrong, doesn't mean the Bible isn't accurate if you have the correct interpretation and application. When you do, as you can see, you can link the Exodus to the date of the return in 1947 and thus also the date of the second coming. Of course, Christ did return on December 25, 1992! So for those who believe, the Bible is truth and its prophecies are fulfilled. There are other comparisons but I'm too long-winded so I'll just leave you with this example. Here's a video about the messiah:

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Slight correction, Lars ->

    Here's a video about the mess

  • punkofnice

    EP - Those prophets seem like a SHIRTY bunch. (Groan)

    Lars -

    Right now, the Bible predicts no dates.

    That's because it can't be used for predicting anything. I know you mean well and I never doubt your sincerity. TBH I could use the bible to show why Burger King moved to another location last year. We can play with calculators all we want but it only proves our own gullibility or ability to put spin on vague sayings in the Bible.

  • mP


    Harry Potter is based on Jesus life. Harry is the Jesus story retold. You can check JKR has all but admitted this.

  • Larsinger58
    That's because it can't be used for predicting anything. I know you mean well and I never doubt your sincerity. TBH I could use the bible to show why Burger King moved to another location last year. We can play with calculators all we want but it only proves our own gullibility or ability to put spin on vague sayings in the Bible.

    ROFL! You make this claim because it sounds dismissive and clever, but you never provide the goods. The 2nd coming is dated by 3 different, year-specific prophecies that have to be coordinated. So the Bible has it its own intrernal checks and balances. Now while you can twist and turn on a single prophecy, if you have to coordinate three then its a little more difficult.

    But, just so that you put your money where your mouth is, please provide the scriptures relating to Burger King to amuse us! If you don't, then we will all know it was just a jive, smartass comment to shut down investigations into reality. In the meantime:

    1. The 1335 days prophecy dates the 2nd coming 45 years after 1947, which ends the 1290 days, thus sometime between November 30, 1992 and November 30, 1993.

    2. The 7 times prophecy dates the 2nd coming 2520 years after the fall of Jerusalem. The correct date is 529 BCE, so the 2nd coming must occur sometime between the Summer of 1992 and the Summer of 1993. So far we are looking at the same time period.

    3. The "70 weeks" prophecy requires the Christ to arrive within less than a year of the mid-70th-week passover, which occurs on April 6, 1992.

    Result: The 2nd coming must occur sometime between November 30, 1992 and April 6, 1993.

    So, sure, one isolated prophecy can be made to apply to a few things, but once you have to coordinate three different prophecies to the same date, then it gets to be a little more difficult.

    Byt we want to hear you make good on your claim. Even just to humor us. Find a passage in the Bible and then apply that to Burger King! I want to see the actual scriptural application! Thanks!

  • mP

    Lars: the challenge is to tell something before it happens not after. Surely you knew that before reading the post !!!

  • unstopableravens

    punk: god will give you a new heart and you will be born again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • punkofnice

    Lars -

    You make

    this claim because it sounds dismissive and clever, but you never provide the goods.

    Now your being rude. I wasn't rude to you. I have no ''goods'' because there ARE NO GOODS!! The Bible is not a book I believe is of any use apart from dodgy history and mythology. I don't think you have read the original challenge.

    But, just so that you put your money where your mouth is, please provide the scriptures relating to Burger King to amuse us! If you don't, then we will all know it was just a jive, smartass comment to shut down investigations into reality. In the meantime:

    Do you seriously think I would even stoop to such stupidity? You are insulting me again. I repeat. I have not insulted you please desist from such a attacks.

    If you intend to continue to be rude then kindly leave my thread.

    mP -

    Lars: the challenge is to tell something before it happens not after. Surely you knew that before reading the post !!!

    Thank you mP.

  • Fernando

    Hey punkofnice!

    Maybe I should shut up and let some poor fool take the bait?

    The moment someone takes you up on your challenge they are exposed as an ignorant fraud.

    A prophet is not a foreteller, but a messenger! A humble insignificant postman if you like! It is the letter or message that counts not the person who delivers it!

    A prophecy is not a prediction but a message!

    The Watchtower "ruling religious clergy class" are ignorant fools. They say Gen 3:15 is the first prophecy in the Bible.

    The first prophecy (message) in the Bible it would seem is Gen 1:1.

    Prophesies (messages) can have whatever content God desires. Sometimes this can be prediction.

    Therefore Gen 3:15 could be described as the first prophecy of prediction in the Bible.

    No prophecy (message) is more important, liberating, healing and empowering than "the Good Message", hidden in plain sight throughout scripture.

    This message has several other names in English: the Gospel, the Good News, the Sacred Secret, Glad Tidings, and the Evangel.

    It is a truly shocking and scandalous message. No one hates and fears this message more than the "ruling religious clergy class" namely the Pharisees ("elders", CO's and DO's) and Sanhedrin (Governing Body).

    The NWT translation contains the phrase "good news" around 152 times. More than half of these are by Paul. Yet no Watchtower religionist can explain the "Good News" according to Paul from their heart. This despite the fact that they call themselves "publishers of the Good News".

    This awesome 3-minute video explains the nub of the shocking scandal and why Jesus therefore is a "stone of stumbling" and a "rock mass of offense" to religious leaders:


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