I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!

by Sic Semper Tyrannis 423 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I believe that enthusiasm and hard work in building a creditable opposition voice is a good thing but we need to back off from highlighting newborn errors to the point where we reach a fanatical feeding frenzy which this board is inclined to do.

    LOL...and you think the AWAA is going to be any sort of Activist Anti Watchtower organisation with an attitude like that. Grow a set, and accept that in the REAL world (unlike the watchtower world) you can expect opposition to ignorant behaviour. And what you call a 'feeding frenzy..is what activism is about. It is not putting up with assh**es doing things to you that you did not say was ok. Like putting you on their fb page and compromising their privacy without their consent.

    If AWAA cannot handle criticism and opposition from a board that acutally has a certain amount of common ground and agreement against the WTS...how on EARTH do they think they could oppose and stand up to an organisation as BIG as the WTS? Can't go getting your feelings hurt when your dealing with their legal department.

    If you want to be an activist...learn what it means. Activism is about fighting for yours, and other peoples, rights. Something AWAA has shown it has no respect for. And runs away at the least sign of trouble or disagreement.

    meh! call yourselves activists. PUSSYS!

  • venetian

    Thank you Stillthinking. You just proved my point

  • princecharmant


    Continuously heaping more crap on the wreck makes it uglier. I believe people have spoken enough and vented on the whole AAWA thing. Perhaps it is time to bury the dead, heal the wounds and rebuild the community. The more the harping here, the slower that is likely to happen.


  • *lost*

    However many years you have been a member here is quite irrelevant on this issue we are dealing with.

    Who asked you to rake mud ? you are voluntarily contributing your 2 cents worth.

    Any past incidents between yourself and Simon are also irrelevant here on this issue. You say you pull him up and call him out many times, I am sure he is glad of your expertise and experience.

    Why pull him up publicly in the middle of this thread ? when has only done the right thing.

    Do you think the truth we now know about Cedars and AAWA should of been buried and stayed buried ? if yes why so ?

    Do you think people should not have a right to reply ?

    Do you think we have a moral duty to band together and protect our brethren ? or should we just flip them the finger and turn our backs. throw them to the wolves so to speak.

    Please don't take my discussion as any form of attack on you, or negativity. But discussion is discussion.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Venetian...You're welcome if you think I proved anything you were saying....it seems to be the AWAA way to think they are right about everything REGARDLESS of what people say to them. It is becomong a bit of a trade mark of the group.

  • *lost*

    PC then why don't you stop reading here and commenting here if you feel that way and you don't have anything constructive to add ?

    Do you want to censor everyone and control what is said, bury truths, cover up and scandals ?

    Do you want all the posts and threads on this shut down and buried.

    Do you think people do not have a right to truth and justice ?

    If our ancestors had not fought for these very things and sacrificed their lives for us and the greater good of humanity, we would all be living very different lives now.


  • venetian


    Who asked you to rake mud ?

    You did.

    Venetian - can you substantiate your critique of simon on this entire matter from the beginning to the end.

    You also said;

    Why pull him up publicly in the middle of this thread ? when has only done the right thing.

    Well that is a matter of opinion. I was referring to simon's language on here, not his actions. And, Yes I think discussion is healthy, and highlighting problems is fine. But the vitriol levied at AAWA is getting out of hand and way OTT. Calling them PUSSIES as stillthinking has just done for example is unhelpful and just the sort of rhetoric im referring to. Its unkind, unhelpful, spiteful and untrue.

    It saddens me a great deal when the anti-bandwagon gets rolling on here and does so much unnecessary damage in the process.

  • besty

    AAWA's most popular post to date begins dramatically:

    " WARNING: The safety of AAWA members is of utmost importance to us. Paul Morrison aka 'Besty' has been caught redhanded."

    They see no irony in making sure everyone knows my real identity AND my JWN username all in 1 easy to remember post about members privacy :-)

    Just for the record I am an AAWA group member, so I guess I need to be careful about myself.

    Anyways my response was:

    Thanks for the free PR :-) the 3 individuals I named on JWN should have thought about privacy issues before attempting to add 700 people to an anti-cult group, without their permission. I didn't name the numerous people who added just a few friends (in cluding the folks that added me and my wife without permission) as they have used facebook innocently and responsibly - naively maybe. But ye - make sure everyone knows I'm the bad guy. This is like watching amateurs crashing trains - you're doing it - you're just not sure how. Or how to stop it.

    Enthusiastic amateurs, meet social media. Social media, meet enthusiastic amateurs.

    Facebook is not the vehicle for cult exit help groups, unless you want to crash trains for fun.

  • princecharmant

    It is not up to you, Lord/Lady *lost*, to decree where I read what and what comments I make where. You smart because you are told it's time to move away from this wreck? Then forget it, pile more crap on it. It is your right to which your ancestors fought and sacrificed their lives for, for your good and the greater good of humanity.

    What grandstanding!

    Re-read what I wrote before your outburst. Every war ends around a table. AAWA and JWN can co-exist respectfully. There seems to be much ego tripping in both communities at this point.

    So *lost*, I shall read what I read and write what I write.

    Best regards,


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    AWWA is unhelpful...in fact they have been very damaging to the person who started this threads life.

    Calling them PUSSIES was pretty tame. And the fact that you want to focus on a couple of words as offensive...while defending the unnaceptable behaviour of the AAWA group putting this innocent person in this situation and ruining his life with his family. Just shows me where your priorities lie. And it certainly isn't in the interest of the people that have been hurt...it is more about having your sensitive offense button pushed.

    Lets weigh it up shall we...

    Saying F**k and Pussys Vs outing an innocent person and destroying his family.

    hmmmmmm which is the worse behaviour? Which one are YOU defending?

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