The AAWA website is down for maintenance.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis 423 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I often found myself in confrontation with cedars. Now in looking back and in seeing what was in the pipeline I have to say he has great skills in railroading and corralling. Basically now he needs to use those skills just as ruthlessly (I think so anyway) as he did in the past to railroad and corrall his team mates. I can't see Bo Juel Jensen, Richard E Kelley or Julia BD being corralled or railroaded. They must rise above their anger and their own way of doing things and think of the team.
Still thinking -
Fizzy -
And everyone else who have contributed positively and constuctively.
Also thank you for the laughter guys. I ran out of posts last night - but that little exchange where you all very nicely debated with Venetian was priceless. I was actually laughing, quite heartily out loud. It was a tonic.
Cedars wife ! this popped into my head last night. While reading through his exchange with KS. I thought why bring your wife into a public discussion!
Also - if his wife knows the truth about his situation, and is supporting him. Then why is he still in. Why doesn't he leave. Or else if he wants to be president of a big org, whose primary objective is to be a negotiator with GB , why doesn't he do so under his true identity.
Is it that he is trying to run with the fox and the hounds. the reason he will not reveal his true identity is that he will be cast out into the wilderness, and his plans will backfire. He will not then be able to pursue his primary objective as glorified middle man and spokesperson.
before anyone starts on me - I am not a Cedars hater. I do not know him. All of my opinions and thoughts are based on what I have seen and read here since the fiasco started.
P.S there a few little kids around here that like to do nothing better than whinge and moan and cry when they don't get their own way. They like to call names, throw stones, run in and taunt and then run away like cowards, cos if they were caught hold of they would get a slap.
I was added to this group months ago, when they were organizing - though I do not belong to any other antiJW groups on facebook, one of my friends thought it would be something I might enjoy getting involved with - a group that was ORGANIZING, with the purpose of exposing the WT.
After only 2 or 3 days, I saw posts in this group which led me to believe that the group was both radical and malicious.All along, I thought that this whole ordeal was something that happened within the past couple of weeks and that AAWA didn't join facebook until a couple of weeks ago on April 3. Hearing that someone was added MONTHS ago without their permission whether it be by AAWA directly or a third party needs to be addressed by AAWA, not to mention the malicious and radical posts they were allegedly making even back then.
I'm sorry that this has been happening to so many good people, and I hope that all of this can be corrected in a dignified manner so that we can all join together in helping people escape the harm that the Watchtower is causing.
I would also like to mention that even though the "President" of the AAWA may display an air of stubborness, manipulation and inflated ego as some have mentioned does not mean that everyone else in the group feels or thinks that same way. There are some very great people in the group, LL, JWFacts, Juan Viejo etc, who are well respected and have devoted themselves to helping others for many years now. Maybe some of them aren't being allowed to say anything. I imagine that even though there are several on the board of directors, the President usually has the final say in things. I feel really bad for those who are truly wanting and trying to help, but are being impeded by others.
I hope things can be worked out to everyone's satisfaction so that we can all be on the same page, and that is to help those who need help escaping the Watchtower.
still thinking
Ohio..I agree. I actually supported this new group when they first announced themselves. But things have come to light since then. And I see nothing to support any longer. I feel bad for the people who wanted to achieve something within that group. I'm sure they wanted to do something good. But, lesson to be learned. Choose your leadership well...they set the tone.
I understand what you are saying, StillThinking. It shocked me too that there were threats from the "President" of AAWA bordering on blackmail against the owner of this board, and an intentional "Outing" of someone they were pissed off with (Besty) to name a couple. On top of that, the day before yesterday the "President" insinuated that perhaps people were making everything up.
This whole issue isn't just AAWA vs JWN either. I've been looking on some other EX-JW boards, and am seeing the same types of comments there too about the new group. Something needs to give so that we can all move on in a healthy manner and work with one another instead of against, but it will require the admittance of previous errors to those negatively affected and then compromise from then on.
I really hope something can/will be done, as I am worried for those in the group that have good reputations for helping people throughout the years, and don't want to see them forced or stuck in the middle of all this negativity that could have been easily avoided to begin with had the main leader(s) in the group used tact.
Every day of fighting or holding grudges is a day less that people aren't getting the help that they need. It's sad.
Dismissing servant
"he AAWA website is down for maintenance. "
Yes, I noticed. It's probably down for 48 hours. Maybe something is happening?
48hrs from when? I hate conspiracy theories but it smells fishy...
wha happened?
Anger. That's what I was trying to put my finger on. They, (THE AAWA), come off as a group of angry people, still fiuming at the WT. It's like they are screaming to be relevent and won't be dismissed. Kinda like an ex who can't accept they aren't a part of your life anymore and continue to make their non welcome presence known. Or at least attempt to do so.
Anger certainly fuels causes in the beginning, but I agree how destructive this emotion can be over time. Been there done that. Although there's some issues I won't drop my anger over, such as the pathetic efforts on the part of the WT to handle the pedo issue, but other things I eventually dropped off the emotions on. These guys sound as angry as the day the got the boot from that pathetic religion.
I recently had to deal with relatives in settling my parents estate. With my business/real estate experiance, along with all my legal contacts, it was no surprise my parents asked me to run their estate both before they left us, and afterwards. My efforts over the last 15 years of their lives made them quite a bit of money. (Which by default, eventually made the family a lot of money). However, someone always feels slighted, and although my initial reaction was to attempt some sort of equalization, it was apprerent they were just pissed off, and no amount of reasoning was going to appease them. To them, every offer or answer I provided was insufficient, malicious, duplicitious, (oh gosh I can just run on with descriptive terms), but in the end, they screwed themselves financially, with petty lawsuits and ridiculous motions. One relative nearly spent every dime of her inheritance, fighting for more.
I don't see an ability to manage money here. Whatever pennies they collect will be spent on bullshit antics against their mother, who clearly has no interest in them. And making public stands and statements about a demand for a one on one conversation, has as much ability to get off the ground as a helicopter without a prop.
I applaud the fact that they got off the couch, and did more than just rant on websites. But the valient effort has clearly ran out of gas as anger is just not what a long term, effective organization needs over the long term.
Venetian, are u still whining about my comment? Let it go. Are you so emotionally fragile that a comment from some stranger who has no idea what sort of individual you are, or aren't, ie really going to send you in an emotional tailspin that you could never recover from? Give me a break. You were tossing out insults and it was only a matter of time before someone reciprocated. I did not call u a whore, but I knew you would grab it and run off with it. It proved you were just a sensationalist starving for attention.
I'm not upset when people apologize for me. I do it as well. I respect Besty and I wish I had met up with him and his wife when they were staying in the states, semi nearby. WE have several mutual friends.
This was just a re run to me of dealing with angry people with a lot of complaints, zero intentions of being somewhat agreeable, as their way is the right way and they aren't going to be told otherwise, certainly not by me. I'm sorry that the credibility of ex JW's may have been pigeon holed into this crappy implimentation of this so called, "support group". A bunch of angry people demanding to be recogenized. I'm sorry people were hurt by this especially, those that were outted. I'm sorry that a few people I had some respect for turned out to be the ring leaders in this abortion. These are the type of things I'm sorry about. I'm not sorry about an oversensative apologist who mearly switched teams from the WT, to the WT' ish organization headed by the biggest con artist to date on JWN. The cartoon character himself, Cedars.
Cedars, enjoy your temporary fame from all your angry/blind supporters, as your BS organization will soon run out of gas. Because people won't send you money over the long term. Reputable persons who run other sites are constantly counting their pennies. So you may succeed in gathering some initial donations from angry people, but angry people soon shift gears and find other issues to fuel their anger.