Simon... agreed... AAWA will have very little appeal to those initiating a fade... also, sounds too confrontational to peek any "curiousity" from any dubs on the fence.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis 423 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I haven't brought it up with whoever is in charge. From what I've read here, it would be an exercise in futility. And even if they do "investigate", so what? It is analagous to closing the barn doors after the horses have left.
After my initial shock and wondering what was going to happen to me, my next thought was shock at the "secrecy" of the group. Seriously, look at how long I've been a member here, and how few posts I have. Who here "knows" me? Are any of you willing to vouch for me that I am who I say I am (not that I've said a lot about that) that I am actually a dissatisfied ex-JW? And yet, I was added to a "secret" group dedicated to taking action against the WTBS in its stages of infancy? Not the best prior proper planning on anyone's part. While I think that some sort of organized movement has the ability to expose or irritatate the WTBS on a very minimal level, it needs to be a group that is willing to think first, professionally present themselves, have great organizational and planning skills, and know when to speak and how to word things. Patience is definitely a virtue that is needed here, and getting good PR requires a lot of skill and experience. Unfortunately, as I think this whole AAWA experience shows, it takes a lot more than a willingness to commit to a cause and enthusiasm to run a successful grass-roots movement.
Still thinking. I am certainly not a victim, so please stop bringing it up, you too wha happened, its old now.
Thank you mickey for the link about cedars and nathan natas. Ill have a read x
(Acts 5:38) And so, under the present circumstances, I say to YOU, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown;
"Whas Happen: "
anger. That's what I was trying to put my finger on. They, (THE AAWA), come off as a group of angry people, still fiuming at the WT. It's like they are screaming to be relevent and won't be dismissed. Kinda like an ex who can't accept they aren't a part of your life anymore and continue to make their non welcome presence known. Or at least attempt to do so.
Anger certainly fuels causes in the beginning, but I agree how destructive this emotion can be over time. Been there done that. Although there's some issues I won't drop my anger over, such as the pathetic efforts on the part of the WT to handle the pedo issue, but other things I eventually dropped off the emotions on. These guys sound as angry as the day the got the boot from that pathetic religion.
I recently had to deal with relatives in settling my parents estate. With my business/real estate experiance, along with all my legal contacts, it was no surprise my parents asked me to run their estate both before they left us, and afterwards. My efforts over the last 15 years of their lives made them quite a bit of money. (Which by default, eventually made the family a lot of money). However, someone always feels slighted, and although my initial reaction was to attempt some sort of equalization, it was apprerent they were just pissed off, and no amount of reasoning was going to appease them. To them, every offer or answer I provided was insufficient, malicious, duplicitious, (oh gosh I can just run on with descriptive terms), but in the end, they screwed themselves financially, with petty lawsuits and ridiculous motions. One relative nearly spent every dime of her inheritance, fighting for more."
If I had meet with so-called "apostates" like you guys here, I could have saved thirty years of my life! The apostates I was hoodwinked into talking with, soon lost their cool and blew a gasket, the rage is a barrier against the Watchtower! The Tower tells everyone "how angry, bitter, malicious, vile, nasty, evil" we have to find a way around the rage we might be accidently or inadvertantly sending to our Newbie friends. Nobody like's being around chronic rage or chronic depression, I have enjoyed your postings and Okage and Ohio Cowboy, you all are good folks who leave me happy!
The Late Ray Franz repeatedly warned us all of the effects of anger and rage, pooking fun, malicious gossip and warned us we would become worse than the Vomit the Tower was spewing out! Why was eveyone attacted to Ray Franz and Sam Dunlap, you think it was their lack of desire to become prominent or their gentle and loving spirit?
Have you ever been in a Kingdom Hall where your fellow brothers crave the praise and glory of your fellow brothers and sisters? Their total net-worth was based off their preception of how you preceived them?
Exactly my predicament now! People who love the Organization must find some value, this might keep them from going insane or experiencing a psychotic break. We handed out rubber-bands after Psy 137 class (group psychology) " I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY" written on the rubber-band, if you got angry or depressed, you were told to look at the rubberband's message and "CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!". Quite Silly don't you think?
I really think the Watchtower Organization functions like those rubber-bands we handed out to college kids, only the witnesses don't discover how silly the concept is until it's too late! The "Rubberband Experiment" had people saying they were happy until they realized "a rubberband can't solve my personal problems, only I have that power!" The Tower teaches the Slave and Door2Door is the catch-all panacea for anger, depression, racial strife and money, sex, eating disorders, true friendships, better families. I am waiting for my family to turn the Rubberband around or burn it and we don't plan on hanging around to attack a Organization that thrieves off verbal and physical attacks! Thank's Simon and who ever you qouted from!
There was a great post (in another thread?) where a person (shoot, can't remember name) said that most people do not want to fight an organization, their fight is for their families. It is a personal fight. Once the family member is rescued or recovered, they're out. They're done. They want to walk away from the WTBTS and JW-world and get on with their lives. Which is why people do not flock to join organizations like "Anti-Scientology" or "Anti-Mormom", etc. This makes sense to me and reflects what most people want and how they want to help and to what extent.
I agree with that.
There is a danger that the ones who are left who want to 'fight' are the more embittered (whether justly or not) and focused on hurting the thing they oppose more than helping others escape and this can easily make a group more extreme.
Instead of Anti-Watchtower which is never going to have mass appeal, something like "Pro Religious Choice" (or freedoms) would be better as this would be non-denominational and something that potentially other non-WTS people could get involved in such as Mormons and Scientologist. No one would ever stand up and say "we object to people having freedom!" and it emphasises the fundamental number ONE issue which is that people should be allowed to chose the religion they want to follow without any censure or retaliation for doing so.
Trying to push for 'talks with the GB' is just grandstanding IMO and is just never going to happen. Why would they be any different to the millions of other people who have left?"
still thinking
Still thinking. I am certainly not a victim,
Glad to hear it!
Aussie Oz
I myself am a nobody in all this, having long ago decided that i have no credibility to fight the WT on anything but a personal level. I have admired those that have credibilty and publicity and who are brave and noble enough to put their face, name and reputation out there for the world to see. Those who run forums and websites that are accurate and helpful, that bear their NAME.
Having read all the pages of this sad situation...If i understand what i have read about a certain alias 'john cedars' and the incorporating of the movement are true...
What a train wreck and an embaressment.
'We' are thousands of people who all want the WT to implode and have thousands of different ideas how and why. UNITY IN METHOD IS NOT POSSIBLE in this aim.
The WT will not be forced to change a god damn thing by 'activists', it will change by losing its youth and the public seeing the real face of the WT.
Well said Oz,
For a long time, I have tried to tell faders you can't have any public status as a major fighter against the evil WT empire, until you officially quit the WT religion that you are protesting against.
wha happened?
I never thought u were a victim Venetian, you just threw rocks and when they returned, you played the victim. And yes I agree, that was old to begin with