Hello all,
My wife and I are atheists, raised and living as Jehovah's Witnesses. It's been a real struggle to keep up the facade, but we've managed - I'm even an MS!
Anyway, my mother came for dinner the other night and started to talk about the Zone Overseer's special talk. She loved the part about God's generosity: "Jehovah could have given us half a lung; that would have been sufficient. But no, he gave us two full ones! How generous!" I replied that my lack of wings must mean that God is cheep and greedy. She then asked if something was wrong - did I have some secret problem with JWs? I let the cat out of the bag: 'Yes, I do have a problem with JWs, and all religion for that matter. There seem to be certain facts about the universe and our world that don’t jive with doctrine, yada yada yada..... And what's more, I think the supposed actions Jehovah in the Bible are cruel and immoral - specifically the killing of babies....."
To my surprise, my mother took it all in stride, and offered to help us 'regain God's view on matters' such as child killing. So, later today she is literally coming over to convince us that killing children is good in certain circumstances.
I was wondering if any of you have gems of reason I could throw her way. Have any of you debated this topic with success? What might be the best approach to take?