I am confused by the "reserrection" doctrine. Who will be raised first Old testament people or people who die right before Armaggeddon?

by booker-t 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • booker-t

    I have always wondered who will be raised first people such as Noah, Job, Enoch, etc; or people who die right before Armaggeddon? If Noah, Job, are raised first would not they be terrified with all of the modern inventions they will see such as cars, airplanes, clothes, watches, tvs, radios, and all of the modern technologies. Also, if people lived to 900 years back then would not Methusalan be shocked if a person raised tells him they were only 20 years old when they died? I remember when I was young aroung 10 years old I asked an elder this question and he told me Jehovah would probably raise the people that recently died before Armaggeddon to help Old testament saints to learn modern customs. I don't know but I am just curious.

  • blondie

    In general the WTS teaches that those who died most recently will be resurrected working back in time. That way they can be recognized by the generation after them and not need an immediate adjustment in language and customs. They do teach that some individuals will be resurrected sooner to "rule" or administer things on earth such as Abraham, Moses, Job, etc. No mention of their late wives, but since the WTS teaches that there will be no marriage among those resurrected they will be resurrected later, not worth much women in the new system (haha).

    *** w75 2/1 p. 90 par. 12 Keep Looking, Keep Moving Forward with Jehovah ***

    In view of their evidently being assigned as earthly representatives of the Kingdom, faithful men from Abel on to John the Baptist will likely be among the first to be resurrected. (Ps. 45:16) Any of those who have met God’s requirements for surviving the “great tribulation” but who have died or may yet die before that event will doubtless also be raised to life early during the thousand-year reign. This would be reasonable, as such persons could be very helpful in educating the many unrighteous ones who will be resurrected.

  • villagegirl

    Why quote the Watchtower ?

    The Watchtower does NOT have any insight into

    the mind of jehovah or the will of God; they do not teach

    the truths that are in the Bible, or the hope that Jesus

    speaks about, so why quote the Watchtower???

    The Watchtower is written by the governing body and their slaves

    who have been proven over and over and over to

    be False Prophets, The doctrines of the WT are copy-cat from

    the Millerites and the Adventists. The Bible does not support the WT version

    of what they think the "faithful and disvreet slave" are.

    Its not about who is in charge and there is NO groups of MEN

    who are "the sole channel of communication between God and mankind"

    That 'sole channel' doctrine is blasphemy, becuase it places the governing

    body in the position of Mediator, and that is the position occupied

    by Jesus Christ, the ONE mediator.

    The "timelines" the "what order will things occur",

    "before or after Armageddon", discussions are absurd,

    useles speculations over words.

    The Watchtower took all its timelines from

    the Plan of the Ages developed by Miller and Adventists.

    Every time prediction the WT made was wrong for 100 years.

    These are geneologies and meaningless,

    so why quote the Watchtower ???

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    That question is like asking whether unicorns prefer blue glitter of pink.

    The whole idea of resurrection is preposterous.

  • LouBelle

    unicorns like rainbow glitter - duh - (couldn't resists)

    The WT teachs that those who died most recently would be resurrected. If you die during armegeddon though, that is your judgement and you won't be raised up - if I'm not correct (I remember the example of Sodom and Gomorrah being given - it is a direct judgement from god and thus you done and dusted)

  • *lost*

    How do we not know that the favoured ones, prophets and patriachs, martyrs, are not of the anointed chosen ones who will be resurrected directly as co-rulers with Jesus in heaven ?

    Is it not possible ?

  • blondie

    Well, I am only showing what the WTS teaches its members. VG do you have a problem with my using the WTS own words to prove that? I'm not here to teach my personal opinion but to help jws and ex-jws know what the WTS teaches.

    HANG THEM WITH THEIR OWN WORDS (my screensaver at home)


  • Rattigan350

    Villagegirl, why so negative on them?

    The Bible does not say much on the subject and people have asked so the Wt articles have written on it. The order presented is logical.

    As for the resurrection being preposterous; do you have a better idea for bringing back the dead?

  • jookbeard

    possibly their biggest and most insane doctrine

  • blondie

    The WTS has said some "faithful" jws might die during the GT/Armaggeddon....but by accident, not direct execution by God and his spirit helpers. They teach that jws will survive "as a group" and that individual survival is not guaranteed though those who die in that category would be resurrected.

    The WTS currently doesn't teach that each individual JW is guaranteed physical survival but that AS A GROUP JWs will survive. There was a scaling back of Psalm 91:7,8, that it did not mean literal physical protection. They have also said that individual JWs may die during the GT but not due to divine execution.

    That leaves a lot of room open for individual JWs to die, as long as they are not totally exterminated as a group. Notice the timing of these sources, around 1975.

    *** w74 3/15 p. 172 What Protection for God’s People? ***


    When the "great tribulation" destroys this ungodly system there will definitely be survivors. In fact, the Bible refers to a "great crowd" who "come out of" or survive this "great tribulation." (Rev. 7:9, 14) Jehovah God will not allow the haters of his people to vent their rage to the point of exterminating them. By means of his Son and the angelic forces, he will come to the defense of his people, rescuing them from annihilation. They being his "loyal ones," their death as a people would be too "precious," too costly, in his eyes. (Ps. 116:15) They will also be shielded from the execution of divine judgment. Neither Jesus Christ nor his angelic forces will make a mistake. None of God’s servants will be swept away along with the wicked.
    Even if some do die at the hands of the enemy, their death would serve for the vindication of God’s holy name. Is your love for God of such a quality that, faced with death, you would count it a privilege to prove your loyalty to him no matter what the cost? Such a firm stand would glorify Jehovah and it would prove false Satan’s claim that your service to God is based on selfish considerations.
    One thing we definitely know: Jehovah God will never allow his loyal servants to be effaced from the earth. And not a single one of them will perish at the hands of Jesus Christ or his executional forces.

    *** w75 6/15 p. 377 Looking to the Future with Confidence ***

    Should we expect, moreover, that because Jehovah is on our side he will miraculously intervene to protect each one of us personally from death or injury during the "great tribulation"?Both Psalm 91:7-12 and Proverbs 3:25, 26 have been mistakenly cited by some as supporting this view. The psalm says: "A thousand will fall at your very side and ten thousand at your right hand; to you it will not come near." Lest we read into this text more than it states, we must ask ourselves if Moses is here talking about the coming "great tribulation" and is declaring a blanket protection for individual servants of God then. This would hardly be so when we remember that centuries later Paul showed that up to his time the devoted followers of Jehovah had undergone mockings, scourgings, prisons, tribulations and many other persecutions, even violent death. However, we can be assured that, as a group, Jehovah will protect them from being exterminated by their enemies during the "great tribulation," and He, himself, will not touch them during his executing of adverse judgments.—Heb. 11:36-38.

    *** w02 12/15 p. 15 "He Will Draw Close to You" ***

    How, though, does Jehovah guard his people? His promise of protection does not guarantee us a problem-free life in this system; nor does it mean that he is obligated to work miracles in our behalf. Nevertheless, Jehovah does provide physical protection for his people as a group. After all, he would never allow the Devil to efface true worshipers from the earth! (2 Peter 2:9)

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