Per the Bible, those resurrected first will be those of the first resurrection, which is of those who will become king-priests with Jesus on the earth and rule for 1000 years. This has already taken place as the 1st resurrection occurs while Christ is still Michael the archangel in heaven and thus before he becomes flesh again in the body of the black prodigal son. This is consistent with my experience as I became aware of the new identities of two Bible characters, Daniel and the Apostle Peter, who had been resurrected and in new bodies/identities before I became the Christ.
As far as others being resurrected, there are no resurrections during the millennium as the WTS teaches. Read Revelation for yourself and the 2nd resurrection does not occur until after the millennium and after Satan has been cast into the lake of fire. The 2nd resurrection occurs during JUDGMENT DAY, which begins after Satan has been destroyed in the lake of fire. This is a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous and the judgments will be based on the moral choices they made during their previous life; thus books are said to be opened out of which they are judged. This so much in so many ways thus contradicts the concepts these people will be resurrected during the millennium, which the WTS has to insert out of chronological order.
Read 1 Cor 15 to see how the resurrection takes place. The 1st resurrection are like seeds sown into imperfect bodies, meaning the conscious memory of those who died are implanted into the minds of modern elect ones. This means there is instant orientation to the modern world including speaking a modern language and sharing all the knowledge of a modern person instantly. This also means the 1st resurrection is invisible -- but as I noted, it occurred prior to the 2nd coming, which occurred in late December of 1992.
As far as the ancient faithful men of old, like Enoch, Abraham, Daniel, Joseph, Moses and others, because the 1st resurrection is back in the flesh first, ancient ones resurrected get anointed for the first time after their resurrection. So while those who were still alive after Christ's death and after Pentecost could get anointed into the kingdom, attaining a higher greatness than even the greatest of the prophets, those ancient prophets will become part of the heavenly class upon being anointed after their resurrection. The only requirement for getting anointed into the heavenly class is that you are alive in the flesh after Pentecost. So those who died before Pentecost get into the kingdom retroactively upon their resurrection back into the flesh. Plus the issue of confusion and disorientation of someone ancient coming back into the modern world is completely eliminated since they are resurrected via a living anointed one and thus share their identity, language and education. So they adapt instantly to the modern world.