There is no point arguing with people like that who don't respect others' privacy or their right to make their own choices about how to lead their lives. Telling you that faders would be better off being outed is just crass. Better giving him a wide berth and not waste any more breath on him.
AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Actually, I think maybe he got the message. I went to delete him from my friends list and he was gone. He had been there a few days earlier.
Dismissing servant
Reading this the AAWA actions become even more questionable. They know they have a person in their own FB group that doesn't give a damned shit about faders and their privacy. They also know that this person have added 100's of unknowing people to that Still they refuse to take action and delete those that were added by him. This is just unbelievable.
wha happened?
Good point Simon. There are those with personal agendas who want to "help", themselves to another group or list of people
Still they refuse to take action and delete those that were added by him. This is just unbelievable.
Because they want to show them as "members." It's a dishonest statement, and disrespectful and intrusive to the persons they added.
I agree, unbelievable.
JME is a friend of Rick Fearons and is on his many conf calls.
He means well I suppose but he sure as hell should never have done these "force adds" that was uncool. He is not a mover and shaker for AAWA and has no position or stature within them that I know of. It sounds like he acted on his own on that fiasco.
wha happened?
Please don't tell me Rick is involved with this abortion of an organization. He is a known liar. Who's next? OBVES?
But good entertainment value.
JME also made his wide open Facebook group page appear to be endorsed by AAWA by soliciting AAWA Title and Graphics on his Profile Picture and Cover Photo. He added all 400 of his friends to that page as well. AAWA asked that the group title be changed and graphics removed.
Unfortunately more damage was already done.
Should he be banned from the official AAWA group and take all the members he added?
But it wasn't just him. Besty pointed out that at least two other AAWA members were at it as well: Julia Barrick something, and Jo Buel or something like that.