I believe Julia was the one who objected to all the work involved in contacting so many people, to solicit them for support
AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Marvin Shilmer
Whoever is this JME character, has anyone here sought to know whether he is or was an AAWA authority or volunteer at the time of the alleged acts? If so, and without giving away private information, how did you go about gaining this information?
Or, is this discussion moving along fueled by emotion-driven adrenaline?
Marvin Shilmer
Wha Happ u have a PM
Julia and Bo are administrators and claim their "adds" were verified, vetted, cleared....whatever its called. Niether of them set up their own "open" Facebook pages appearing to be AAWA either. Not excusing the choice to "add" people without giving them a choice to join but there are facts that set them apart.
Aside from these three "outed" members of AAWA here on JWN, there are many AAWA members that also "added" some of their own Facebook contacts.
Because of the hailstorm and need to vent anger over security issues directed at cause and blame, it is to be expected that these individuals are choosing not to join the fray on JWN.
Further, it seems one by one known board members or administrators are being "called out" from various posters here on a number of threads.
I will be surprised if there are any responses.
Whoever is this JME character, has anyone here sought to know whether he is or was an AAWA authority or volunteer at the time of the alleged acts?
My information is,he`s not on the AAWA advisory board..
He`s "one" of the people who added people to AAWA without their consent..
AAWA 1st put the focus on him..
Then we found out there was more to it all..
Marvin have you sought to find out if Julia and Bo are or were AAWA authorities or volunteers at the time of the damaging acts that affected people's lives? If so, without giving away private information, how did you go about gaining this information?
Or is your comment fuelled by emotion driven adrenaline?
Or, is this discussion moving along fueled by emotion-driven adrenaline?
...are you saying that is a bad thing?
Marvin Shilmer
“Marvin have you sought to find out if Julia and Bo are or were AAWA authorities or volunteers at the time of the damaging acts that affected people's lives? If so, without giving away private information, how did you go about gaining this information?”
I’m not sure who Julia refers to, but my understanding is that Bo has been associated with AAWA since before its official rollout.
What I’ve said here and there about AAWA is based on firsthand voice conversation with Richard and Cedars. We’ve also swapped emails here and again on things AAWA. These discussions initially occurred because a few folks asked me to look into things on their behalf, and I did. What I found is a far cry different from what I see bantered about here.
Marvin Shilmer
seems JME is already on JWN
I believe he got himself banned as he refused to stop spamming and pushing his own little religion