Yeah but who were you talking about? And what did they do to merit it?
I am still no wiser... to be frank.AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
Julia Barrick Douglas added 263 without their consent. (See link) And she had been an active volunteer for AAWA. Thus the president was not telling the truth when he said early in the fiasco that people were not added by anyone who represents AAWA.
Marvin Shilmer
“Yeah but who were you talking about? And what did they do to merit it?”
So what?
I’ll not be pushed by you to say something I’d rather not say, not to mention have no need of saying. Is that sufficiently clear? If not I can make it clearer.
Those whom I addressed is anyone who acted or thinks they acted as I depicted. Make of it what you will.
I love people, and you’re no exception.
Marvin Shilmer
Marvin Shilmer
“Julia Barrick Douglas added 263 without their consent.”
1. I don't know if this is or is not the same Julia.
2. Says who?
Marvin Shilmer
Well if you ain't even got the balls to say who you are insulting I see little reason to respond.
Marvin Shilmer
“Well if you ain't even got the balls to say who you are insulting I see little reason to respond.”
I was not attempting to insult anyone. That’s your presumptive nonsense. Presumption is fallacy.
Glad we got that cleared up!
Marvin Shilmer
Dagney said:
"What I find interesting is these two were not mentioned by Juan to me. He mentioned Rick Fearon and Danny Hazard added people. "
Every member has listed who added them and when underneath their name under the members tab.
Rick Fearon and Danny Hazard did not add anyone to the group.
True story.
The plot thickens.
And before my name gets outed here(its actually way too easy to figure out who I am, and many of you already have)and who I added I am admitting:
I only added my better half to the group. She got pissed at me because she wants to be an EX ExJW.
Thats what I get.
Oh for goodness sakes.
I dunno Ty. I've got the emails. I can't imagine why Juan would say that to me if it wasn't true. These are the sort of inconsistencies that are driving us nuts. Sadly, it's going to be hard to trust anything they say. They need a good damage control person. What they got going is not working.
I was laughing about it a minute ago. But now I am sad. I'm going to go sing Happy Birthday and eat some strawberry shortcake.