Evil Slave

by Marvin Shilmer 33 Replies latest jw friends


    " One scholar says that in the Greek text..." Who? Which Scholar said that?!

    NETBIBLE: " tn In the Greek text this is a third class condition that for all practical purposes is a hypothetical condition (note the translation of the following verb "should say"). "

    Where does Netbible get it's info? Does the FDS/GB trust Netbible when it suits them?

  • problemaddict

    Isn't this, there is no 2 separate classes thing, something we have already known around these parts?

  • ablebodiedman


    I am really happy that people can see the paradox of the GB now claiming that their appointrment is now future however,

    you did not use any bible scriptures which would now thoroughly condemn them!



  • jwfacts

    That change really struck me from the new light, and I was surprised it had not been discussed more.

    They cannot say anymore that Russell's followers were the evil slave, since the slave did not start till 1919.

    I am surprised they do not say that us current apostates are the evil slave. They seem to want all the glory for themselves.

  • jwfacts

    Metatron - I'm confused. So, the 'faithful slave' describes only a class or group but not a hypothetical individual but the 'evil slave' describes only a hypothetical individual but not a group?

    I had to think twice about that, but excellent point.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Marvin is a "Class Act" Bible Scholar, I love his works and gift of the pen! Thank you Marvin, you are a gift to JWN!

  • mP

    Why are there no evil masters in the Bible, only bad or evil or useless slaves ?

  • Twitch

    Not at all what I was hoping to see here...

  • Bobcat

    Isn't this, there is no 2 separate classes thing, something we have already known around these parts?

    Here is some research on the "evil slave" and there is also a link in the first post to further discussion. (See my posts # 561 & 563)

    Here is further research on the parable and several other links to various aspects of it. (See my posts # 689 & 690)

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “So, the 'faithful slave' describes only a class or group but not a hypothetical individual but the 'evil slave' describes only a hypothetical individual but not a group?”


    Like jwfacts, I had to do a double-take of your observation. What you propose is a viable observation. Based on Watchtower’s current teaching Ray Franz was “evil slave” while the “faithful slave” could be and only be the composition known as Governing Body at Watchtower.

    The whole teaching is a joke!

    To me, though, the real joke is that we have eight guys in Brooklyn telling Jehovah’s Witnesses they have to obey or else, and the same blokes are—according to its current teaching—the only ones who could possibly be “evil slave”.

    Where I’m from that’s termed as “The fox guarding the henhouse”.

    Marvin Shilmer

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