Evil Slave

by Marvin Shilmer 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird


    I just love watching this org self-destruct.

  • metatron

    They butcher the sense of what Jesus said. In Luke, when Jesus says, " but if THAT slave........." a magical transition is claimed to take place in which the 'faithful slave' (supposedly a group) suddenly becomes an individual.

    Common sense (sadly off-line at Watchtower HQ) should tell a casual reader that a hypothetical individual is being discussed throughout the whole parable - who could be faithful or wicked. It's just that simple - and what kind of a fool would Jesus be if he admonished the whole group to be 'faithful' and avoid making the matter individual?

    'Remember guys, I want you to remember to be faithful, no matter what, as a group'


  • Oubliette

    Common sense is unfortunately not very common!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I don’t know why. Perhaps because of our indirect acquaintance through family. But it’s always so nice to see you participate.

    The image of that shack stirs so many old memories.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • snowbird

    The image of that shack stirs so many old memories.

    Memories ...

  • jwfacts

    There is an interesting comment at the end of the article.

    Perhaps we should be asking all those faithful JWs who think that the GB has overreached itself in declaring itself to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave, if they are still convinced that they should wait for Jehovah to put things right, through whom do they think he will do that?

    The GB have set themselves up for this. There are a lot of people that have made it well known that they are not happy with the GB, but hang around because the religion is the best they can find. But if the GB are now inviting examination, because Jesus warned the GB have potential to become an evil slave, there is potential for the JWs that found issue with certain doctrine and practices to trust their instincts, agree they GB have become the evil slave and leave.

  • snowbird

    Are they (the GB) giving doubting JW's an honorable way out of the organization?

  • jwfacts

    Actually, I am undecided whether the new idea of the evil slave can be applied to individual GB members, such as Ray, or is also a "composite" slave. The Jly 15 Watchtower does not discuss it at length. It says on page 24,

    " Hence, he concluded his illustration about the faithful and discreet slave with a powerful warning. ...

    In effect, Jesus was saying: ‘If the faithful and discreet slave were ever to mistreat his fellow slaves in these ways, this is what the master will do when he arrives.’ (See also Luke 12:45.)"

    It seems that they are saying that if the GB as a group start mistreating the fellow slaves, then they become the evil slave instead of the faithful slave, as a group.

    It then goes on to say that as composite, they are doing well, so they are not the Evil slave.

    "However, the composite faithful and discreet slave has continued to keep on the watch and to provide nourishing spiritual food. "

    Has the food been nourishing? Many aware of the history of changes, and the dangers of shunning and blood doctrine would disagree. So as Snowbird suggests, some JWs will consider they have an honorable way to get out of the organisation. I also think Evangelical JWs will use this as an excuse to justify setting up their own religions, such at "the True JWs", etc.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    my two cents worth. All religions claims to be Gods servent, all religions claim to represent God and Christ, all religion is in a position to feed the sheep at the proper time. So one could say all religion is the faithfull slave.

    All religions Distort what God is. All religions misrepresent God and Christ. All religion starve the sheep. So one could say all religion is the Evil slave. ( lets not forget about the clild abuse, and demonic images, Lieing, the wars they have blessed, disfellowshipping, steeling money from widows, etc, etc... all facets of the evil slave) Lord, Lord. did we not...... get away from me you workers of lawlesness. Need I say more.

    This debate, like conspiricy theories can go on forever. We must remember this fact. The WTBT$ is a publishing company first and formost, it will do what ever it takes to survive, even downgrading Russell to not even being the annointed. This publishing company has published precieved truth for over 100 years, for a time 2 WT and 2 Awakes a month, that is a lot of information, realistically what else can they write and stay alive, to keep captive a readership? Oh yes, down grade Russell, do away with what he wrote and his teachings. Now the new road is being paved for new books, brochures, and even newer WT articles. I look for some time in the near future the WTBT$ will start doing away with Rutherfords teachings, which will also pave the way for more books, brochures and even newer WT articles. Mark My words. This publishing company will do what ever it takes to stay alive, right till Christ destroys it. It is a very powerfull entity!!!!!

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever.)

  • *lost*

    Can i join in boys. I'm not on your level of knowledge - but I love to learn.( I'm not as brainy neither, treat me as a child, lol )

    Rather than it meaning a 'group specific '.

    Could it possibly just be a distinction/description of the whole of mankind ? all the population of the earth. All of us. Every person irrelevant of Religion and beliefs itself. But based on works of goodness. Pure in heart.

    The faithful ones, we believe, we seek, we help, we learn, we teach - Fruitage of the spirit. Faith.

    The unfaithful ones - one did not stand fast in the faith. The real 'apostates' recognisable by their works individually ? Works of the flesh. Faithless.

    Some leave WT and are master of Bible Knowledge, but they stop believing in God. Turn bad

    Some leave and stay believers. Stay good.

    We are all brothers and sister to each other. we are all the servants.

    It says ''beats his fellow servants and eats and drinks with the drunkards.

    Smite his fellow servants - this is the conduct of a wicked servant, who, supposing he would not be called to account, and abusing his authority, gave himself up to opression, carousing and debauchery ( just as in the Days of Noah, eating and drinking, making merry, debauchery etc. )

    oooh - if you read Gills Exposition it gives a really good explanation.


    edited to add. Not just the Goc B and CO's, elders but also all of the R&F who are living double lives. white washed graves.

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